Author Topic: my story, please read  (Read 7471 times)

Offline Paradox

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Well, here's my story. A few years ago I was chubby and wanted to lose weight. The main reason I wanted to lose weight was not due mostly to my gut but my flabby chest. I hated them so much. To have your friends poke you in your "man boobs" and make a never-ending joke about it is the most humiliating experience in the world. So I started a low-carb diet and got on the treadmill a lot. I lost a lot of weight and I looked emaciated and bony. My dad got really worried about me. But low and behold, the man boobs remained. Not only did they remain, but because my gut was gone, they were more pronounced and farther out of proportion. How freaken ironic is that? All that trouble to lose them, and they stay. But it wasnt just my chest but also buttocks that is overly flabby and out of proportion to the rest of my body. Im 20 now and have gained a healthy bit of weight back since then. I talked to my doctor recently. He confirmed my suspicion that I had true gynecomastia, excessive breast tissue.

Im guessing my story isn't too unusual in the world, but I sure hate it to death. Like the chest, does the buttocks also contain glandular tissue? I have never discussed the gyno with my parents, though I really want to get it out of the open so maybe something can really be done about it ultimately. I thought coming here would be a small step in the right direction. I plan to start saving up money and get surgery hopefully by my mid-20's. because I dont think this will go away if it hasn't already. could it? does anyone have any idea how much it would cost to get surgery for my chest and buttocks? know what bothers me though? why do they call it gynecomastia REDUCTION surgery? Reduction isnt the word I want to hear. I want to hear ELIMINATION! This sounds rather silly but it really hit me when I was watching the Fellowship of the Ring and at one point (I know this sounds gay but Im not lol) you see Elijah Wood's chest. they're so perfect and flat and made me realize how much I hated my gyno. I would KILL to have chest like that and be able to go to the pool and beach again. well thank you for reading my story. Im the new guy here and thought I should share. Nice to meet you everybody! :-/

Offline Paradox

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16 views and no replies   :(

Offline DanMaine

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Save up your money and get it ELIMINATED.
I did, and it was well worth the money.
Only had my chest done.

Offline Paradox

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how much did that cost ya? or does insurance cover it?

Offline headheldhigh01

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welcome to the boards.  

your instincts are right on about both talking to your parents to get this underway and the fact they're probably not going to remit on their own by now.  

remember on the page view, it seems like lurkers outnumber registered users (it's painless) probably like 3:1, so don't fret if something goes unspoken to for a half day to a day, somebody will.  

agree on both the elimination and the mild jealousy ;)  
« Last Edit: December 30, 2004, 04:47:34 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline surfwax

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You are not alone. My buttocks and my chest are both out of proportion, and I have been unable to lose "weight" or gland tissue in those two areas. Maybe they are somehow related, or they both have gland in them. I'm not quite too sure..

Offline pahkeen

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Although I'm more of a newbie here than you, I can certainly understand where your coming from.  I've been in the same situation of seeing another guy and just wishing that I had a flat chest like his.  Hopefullly, we'll both get there before too long.

Offline headheldhigh01

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gland tissue is essentially the underformed structure of a mammary gland that hasn't filled out into a breast yet, so no, think your butt would be just fat and muscle with no other complications.  

Offline Paradox

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thanks! that's the answer Ive been lookin for.

Offline jc71

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no, probably not much gland tissue in the butt area.  It's funny how people are now getting butt implants to have a more round butt.  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

No, your story isn't unusual to the world and certainly not to these boards. You'll find this site a great resource as you learn more about gyne and your options.  :)

« Last Edit: January 31, 2005, 03:41:04 PM by jc71 »

Offline chicagobuffed

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You may want to go to an endocrinologist and have your hormone levels checked. Check for estrogen, progesteron and prolactin levels. If your prolactin levels are high you may want to look into dostinex or bromocriptine. These are dopamine inhibitors meant for another medical condition but they lower prolactin levels. From how you described your chest it sounds like you will need the surgery, but at least if you start taking an anti estrogen or anti prolactin you can halt any further growth. Of course talk to your doctor and get the blood work and find a good endocrinologist.
Hope this gives you some good advice. Good luck.


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