Author Topic: MY SURGERY DIARY  (Read 2893 times)

Offline gynespain

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Hello all of you mates.
I just came from the clinic, good news, mostly.

NO PICS FOR THE MOMENT: My PS is the only one who has before pictures, and I didn't take any about the short progress I could have. Maybe when it starts to become normalized I take some, at least I will try to describe everything I'm feeling, troubles and improvements.

Right the next morning after the surgery I developed suddenly and fast, a sharp pain in my left nipple, like if somebody was putting a needle in my nipple every 5 seconds, it was so hard that I was thinking why the **** I did the surgery. The pain stopped that same night.
In a matter of some hours my left chest was really big and bruised, I called my PS and he told me it was normal, I had to watch out about possible feber, but it was ok, I shouldn't worry.
My right side was the same that just after the surgery, and stills like that, no swelling at all, just a few bruising that I already had from since I woke up from anesthesia, it changed from red to yellow.

They removed my drain stitches, my PS explored me, he told me the swelling I got in my left side is just hematoma and seroma, and that my body will absorb it. He touched me kind of hard and it was a bit painfull, but he did a fast and quite confident diagnosis.
Actually I've been noticing it became quite smaller just in a few days, so it's really good, I feel everyday more active, I went to university today, moving it's vital to feel your moral grow, I was going crazy staying at home the whole day.
The good news is that all the fluids I have right now should be gone soon (maybe one month, maybe more, maybe less), and then it should look everything quite symmetric, I have now half the dosis of the medication I was using to help the absorption of that fluids, the colour already changed from red-dark purple-yellow...
My right side didnt swelled or/and bruised at all, it even got smaller (IT LOOKS SO AWESOME, I HOPE LEFT SIDE ENDS UP LIKE IT), not hematomas seromas or injured tissue (whatever causes the swelling)... SWEET
He told me I should be able to remove the compression bandage 2-3 weeks post op, maybe only night time the last week, and then see what happens. During the 4th week I will be able to do soft sports.
The compression now feels itchy, but im getting used to it every hour, the drains with the stitches were even more unconfortable, now it feels a huge release.

EXTRA TIP: Now I'm only worried about the scar tissue. There are lots of bad experiences with it, and I read some shots done by an experienced surgeon and the right dosis can remove it if after 6 months still there.
For the moment I hope everything will develop properly, my mom had a general surgery to remove a lump in her breast some years ago, and she developed scar tissue around one month postop, and she absorbed it completely at the third month, so I hope my genetics are the same for that, anyway I would be worried about puffy nipples, but according to what i read from Dr Jacobs in some post, its rare cases that scar tissue creates puffy nipples.
I also saw somthing about massging, so just in case we'll see, I'm prepared to ask my PS, he told me to relax, everything looks great for the moment and he will pay me attention if something occurs.



Offline GodWasAngry

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keep up updated, you have a few days on me, i finished my surgery today, so keep telling us whats going on and i'll know what to expect ;)

Offline gynespain

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keep up updated, you have a few days on me, i finished my surgery today, so keep telling us whats going on and i'll know what to expect ;)

good luck with it, rest properly the first 3 days at least, for me it was kind of hard to be at home the whole day

for doctors:
how much time takes the body to abrobe a seroma small, in normal conditions, as average?

thanks in advance

Offline gynespain

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DAY 18
Hi everyone, I had today my revision, they removed my stitches, and i feel quite more confortable, i felt almost no pain, sweet.
my surgeon saw me and took a look to it, i can already dress completely normal, even with my hematoma in process in the left side.

It's gonna take about one month more for the hematoma to dissapear, the improvement in the last week since im using the pomade has been HUGE.

He told me, from now, i could wear the compression some extra days, but it would not make that much difference, so he allowed me to release me from that unconfortable stuff
i noticed my nippes became puffy just after some hours without it, like some swelling around the area, and i wrote him an email asking if its normal, should i worry, use again the compressin some more days? use it al leasts during night for a week... or just let it happend and wait till its ok again
i fear to have again the areola area puffy and it doesnt come back to how it was when i was wearing the compression

ive seen some doctors here saying that is normal to suffer from swelling just after removing the compression, but for how long usually is there?

also they told me how to masage the area, and i should do it like 1-2 minutes 3 or 4 times a day

see u

Offline gynespain

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update day 20:

after removing my compression vest the whole afternoon out without wearing it, i noticed some swelling in my nipple, my PS told me to use the vest for 2 weeks extra and i would gain some time for healing

so, during this 2 days i only stopped wearing the vest during mornings, it gets swollen, but it comes back to flat when i wear the vest for hours again, more like a final result that is actually really impressive, i dont mind the time it takes if it finally ends up like that, i would be 100% satisfied
it calmed me down to see here in the forum, that after stoping wearing the vest, it can look little bit worse than during the initial period after compression, and doctors saying that its completely normal and it goes away eventually, im more worried about scar tissue actually, but it seems nothing big is going on almost in the 3rd week
as i told you before, its a relief to see that now i can walk straight with Tshirts, even with some swelling (it looks 80% good so far, 70% goof the hematoma side), and i will have to buy a whole new collection, because now everything is too big, so im starting to save money for that also

even though, i have to massage the area, i can feel some little scar tissue under the skin, just where the cutting was made, but i have to focus quite a lot to see any scar outside
i have to avoid the skin turns to a deprresion joining the muscle

the hematoma everyday is better, maybe not so fast in terms of absorbing the pocket, but really fast in terms of pain, movements and decoloration

have a good day

Offline gynespain

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I am back mates

I have to say, almost one year after, as I promised, I would update info.

I will have an appointment on august or september, in order to get the 10-11 months post op revision done.

Durign this time, everything was setting up slowly, the results are COMPLETELY SATISFYING, I was mostly fearing a regrowth because after removing the stitches I saw thing a bit tender during the first months, and lightly puffy.

I also gained some weight because  I didnt risked to do sports from October till December.

I also realized that what my doctor did was pretty much the maximum i could get with my general fat in the body, actually i have very few in my chest, but still some below my armpits and in my belly, which presses a bit the chest in some possitions only, but with no movement it looks pretty normal.

the only bad thing here is that I had an hematoma really swollen during the first months (and even with a terrifiying look during the first weeks, full of blood inside, it took some time to take it easy, I was afraid firstly, but I trusted my doctor). That hematoma on the left side has a very little remain of scar tissue nowadays, and stills making the nipple a very little bit pointy (not even puffy), but the chest looks great
massaging everyday its almost gone, I didnt take any injections or medicines, it decreased a lot, and its almost history, but maybe it takes some months to get it done definitely, even if i am offered, im happy now and i would reject any injection, i would use pacience, or just be happy with the great results so far.

In the right side i feel a hard spot inside the skin when i press, close to the nipple, but makes no visual difference, i just touch it to make sure its nothing wierd happening, doctor told me it is surely scar tissue

Now I see my brother and he looks hes got gyne now compared to me, but actually hes got a very flat chest, so Im really happy.

Also now Im back with fitness, I lost 3,5 kg and 11 cm of waist, and I feel that removing fat around the chest (general bodyfat) makes it look even better. I also feel im loosing now fat in the chest, and you can see that the workout works also there reducing fat at the same ratio and with similar initial levels of fat.
So, I can say, the surgery made my chest look NORMAL, and now, finally I can work out with no fear of looking skinny and having an extra amount of fat and gland in the chest, which made it look even worst in the past.
Now I can loose weight and everything is matching, its amazing to feel normal, I feel capable to develop now a fitness body and I have the motivation to train.

I went to the swimming pool this summer, after many years hiding, nobody steared at my chest, I felt so confortable, im only "worried" now about loosing the rest of the belly, and that depends completely on me.

And i think its true about the forum, that only bad stories are mostly showed here and followed, whoever is happy with the results, just forgets about this forum and the nightmare of gyne like i did.
I came back to make you know that good results are probably the majority of the cases.

I hope you all feel so good as i do now, some day. It does not change your life so drasticaly, but makes you feel such a liberation, its like just a big problem you think about 24/7 and finally its gone.

Im starting to dress like I want, i got rid of that tshirts i keept since i was 15 (10 years ago) and i bought some polos, shirts and tshirts, not everything suits me perfect cause im still quite big due to heavylifting in the past, and excess of bodyfat i had being sedentary half a year, but i can wear stuff i couldnt have imagined before.

My personal advice, I only regret to have done the surgery so "late", I would have like to do it sooner, because it really helps you to focus on your life again.

It was very hard to see the process, not always going as expected, but pacience is needed, and being realistic too, medicine is not a perfect science, every person is different.

I was very afraid about the surgery and everything, even having headaches during the days before, i was so nervous and freaking out, but it was worth every penny.
For me at least, life with gyne was no life, its always some risk of course, but I couldnt take it anymore, I couldnt study, do sports... anything: One day i told to myself: enough is enough. Going under the knife was my last option, but when I saw clearly it was the only solution for me I had to be brave and choose between having the surgery and accept some risk or get used to my man boobs forever.

I had my parents supporting me financially, because in Spain it's quite hard to find a job while studying in college, but i would reccomend you to start saving as soon as possible if you live in a country where you have the chance, and look for official certified doctors as soon as you have the money, or even find some loans if you have a decent job at the time.


Offline Wonderman

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Thanks for the update!  I continue to go through the forum and see others who have dealt with post op concerns.  It is good you show that there is light at the end of this long tunnel of embarassment.

Thanks again.


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