Author Topic: Surgery 22/2/13 pre/post diary  (Read 6238 times)

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Hi All

22 year old in the UK going in for my surgery tomorrow morning. Really, REALLY nervous but very excited to finally be going through with it.

I'm just so tired of worrying about it all the time, and have had enough of all the things someone with a flat chest never even thinks about but make up a huge part of my life. Never wearing tight t-shirts, wearing tonnes of layers, altering my posture, being nervous about the beach or being shirtless in ANY capacity.

Gyne's a problem that has affected me so much over the past 7 years, so getting my head around the fact that tomorrow it could all be over is really hard to do. It's taken me a hell of a long time to get the courage together to get to this point, and each step has taken me bloody ages (I had my consultation back in August, it took me six months of agonising/trawling the forums before I booked it)

There's a couple of reasons I wanted to diarise the next few months on here. Firstly, I have told absolutely no friends or family that I'm even having the surgery tomorrow, so I'll need you guys to talk about it with! Secondly, the pre/post op diaries people have written up have just been immensely helpful for me in so many ways, so I'd be really pleased if my experience helps somebody else.

Before/after pics to follow, wish me luck will report back soon!

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Well it's been 10 hours since my op. It's done!!!!! So far so good, minimal pain. Here's my update:

Was picked up in the very early hours of the morning to make the 2ish hour drive to the hospital. The driver was very friendly and fortunately was happy enough just to let me doze in the back as I'd gotten not much sleep. We arrived at the hospital in good time, very secluded location and looked more like a hotel from the outside.

I was ushered into the room after a 30 minute wait in the reception ( no biggie.) The nurse showed me where to shower, to put on a really fetching pair of underpants (completely see through, didn't achieve much of I'd expect of underwear) and hair net!

As soon as she left he anaesthetist came in and introduced himself to me, asked a couple of standard  questions. I stressed that I was quite nervous having never had general anaesthetic and he just told me "general anaesthetic is the easiest thing in the world." I know it sounds a bit cheesy but I just kept saying that to myself over and over and it helped a lot.

Another nurse came and checked all my details. She was Chinese and her English a bit ropey but very lovely and polite. She checked my height, weight, blood pressure, medical history etc.  She accidentally put my birthday wrong, and came back with files and stickers with an incorrect birth date, and had to go through and correct dozens of them by hand. After doing that and looking a bit frustrated I jokingly told her she'd got it right the first time but she didn't really understand so I just chuckled to myself at how funny I am.

I had a shower and sort of forgot why I was there and started enjoying the shower and washing my hair then realised I had to get sliced up in ten minutes so got out, dried off, and put on my extremely stylish/indecent underwear and gown (which thankfully did completely cover me.) I tried to take a couple more before snaps at this point.

Dr. Sulaiman came in and absolutely radiated confidence. I was told mine would be the first surgery or the day, so i would be going up at 8.30am. He took a load of photos and drew all over me. I joked that it was a pity it was cold in the room, making the Gyne less noticeable, so the before->pics might not be so impressive.  He laughed and answered a few of my questions about scarring and th procedure, and he made light of any anxiety of GA ("I'm very anxious about the GA as I've never had it before" -> "everybody is! it would be strange if you weren't." In particular I referred to the issues I'd seen in cratering and abnormal scar tissue formation and he assured me that he'd never had to do a revision but if anything like that occurred he would fix it free of charge. If anyone in UK is considering Dr.  Sulaiman I have to say his confidence and friendliness was a massive boost for me at that nervy moment.  I signed all the release forms and that was that, off he went for me to pace awkwardly around the room for a short time, the next part I wrote on my phone while I was waiting:

"5 minutes to the op and I'm calm. Weirdly calm. Wish I could've taken better before pics.

The emergency oxygen pack has actual dust on it. That's good.

8.30 now. Doobie doobie doo. "

Back came nurse 2 and the moment was finally here.

Nurse 2 led me to a private lift around the corner. I asked her if she'd ever had general anaesthetic, she told me she hadn't, but asked if I went out partying on weekends. I told her I did, and she told me "you'll like the anaesthetic then." Which made me laugh. Then it was a short walk to a room adjacent to the operating theatre. A rather stern and highly efficient chap asked me the same questions everyone else had (name, DOB, any teeth falling out of my head etc.) and then led me into the operating theatre where there were various people milling about tinkering with equipment. This was probably the most anxious I got at any point. Mr. Efficient had me lay down on the table and I really felt like I'd made a huge mistake and was going to have a panic attack. I think the anaesthetist noticed that so he came over and started talking to me about university and my current job. Mr. Efficient said he was going to apply the cold press, and when I flinched the Anaesthetist joked: "well he did warn you."  So then the needle went into my hand, which I hardly noticed. Very peculiar cold feeling down my arm as the antibiotics, and then on to the good stuff. Like he had said I really didn't have anything to worry about. I felt dizzy and light headed and then wham!

This part is very sketchy on account of the lovely, lovely morphine. It felt like I'd been asleep for a few minutes and that I was just a bit hungover. I didn't clock where I was or why for a minute or so, and spouted a lot of nonsense to the person keeping an eye on me. Whoever the hell that was, maybe mr efficient. As things started to click together and I became conscious of the vest and slight pain in my nipples, I realised it was done and felt this enormous rush of relief.  It was very surreal, I couldn't really believe it.

Back came nurse 2 who wheeled me back to my room. At the point there was definitely pain in the chest, not that bad, but certainly noticeable.  

After an hour or so I could hardly notice the pain. Since then it's been great, drifting in and out of naps, watching the TV, playing on my iPhone, drinking cranberry juice.  The nurses have been very attentive and checked in every half hour to take my blood pressure.

Dr. Sulaiman came in a few hours after the op let me know it had gone well and he thought the results looked great, so can't wait to see.

Had a really hard time urinating at first, which was something I was sort of aware of but hasn't really thought about so was a bit of a fright. Nurse said it was very common and just been again and back to normal.

More painkillers at 3pm. 2x co-codamol and still feeling peachy. Very surprised by general lack of pain.

Well done if you made it this far! Long I know but I want to remember as much as possible for myself as much as anyone else :) Well I've got a cheese and bacon panini to eat now. Will report back when I'm home!

Oh and of course, before photos attached..

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Offline Istillneedsurgery

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Cool story man. Thanks for updating. Looks good so far. Hope you recover well. Keep us updated

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Home! Slept ok last night,  really really not used to sleeping on my back, so ordered this wedge pillow thing delivered so hopefully that should make things a bit easier.

Not much to report yet. Pain is much the same as it was yesterday, maybe slightly worse as I've had to move around a lot more today.  Moving very slowly and had to get a nurse to help me put my shoes and hoody on this morning, felt like a right spoilt brat.

Spent pretty much all day lying down and watching rugby. Think maybe I ought to go for a walk or something tomorrow, get the blood flowing etc. Already starting to get a bit cabin fevery.

Haven't noticed much change in swelling since yesterday. Hard to say since I won't be able to take off the vest off for a week.

Managed not to take any painkillers since this morning, so that's pretty good going. MIght take the codeine this evening just to help me sleep. Also does anyone know how long to keep the compression socks on? One of the nurses said three days but that doesn't sound true..

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Wow, what a terrible nights sleep. Had a really restless night with insane back pain from lying on my back. Had to get up and walk around several times throughout the night, much worse than any chest pain i'd had.  The swelling did get worse during the night aswell so I took some painkillers at one point, can't remember when but they didn't help much. Was kind of stuck between staying still so my chest didn't hurt, and moving around so my back didn't hurt. Real unpleasant.

Throughout the day my back's gotten a lot better by moving around a bit more, and my chest definitely hurts a lot less.  I still don't feel ready to go outside, and really just leaving my room takes a lot of effort, but at least i'm not making insane old man noises every time i try and stand up anymore. I haven't taken any painkillers since last night and right now my chest doesn't hurt at all. I also took off the compression socks and haven't died yet.

After yesterdays rugby watching day, today has been mostly watching how i met your mother and (the tv show) girls, starring lots of girls, talking about girl problems.

I ran into my housemates when I went for a snack which was very awkward and resulted in me slinking away mumbling about having a bad back or something. So I think they've been left with the impression that I'm a hunched over weirdo. Which in their defence is totally fair.

Will be back tomorrow!

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Slept better last night, still had to get up a handful of times but nothing too excruciating. 

Chest pain becoming less and less by the day.  My range of movement is definitely increasing, though ocassionally i'll reach for something just too far and yell out like someone who's just had surgery. It's also still verrrry difficult to put on/change any clothes.

Going to venture to the big bad outside tomorrow. Need to get some dry shampoo or something i'm really starting to stink.. My diet has also been awful so i'm going to pick up a load of fruit and that.

Nothing very interesting to report really. Will do another update when there's something to update!

Offline McGilli

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Keep it up. Sounds like things are coming along nicely. I had my surgery Dec 11 - So I know exactly everything you are saying. Reading your posts (which are nice and detailed) I can feel it all over again! And I just had a revision last week and going through it all again myself.

I sure hate that stretching, tearing feeling!

Sounds like you're on your way. After the first week, take some pictures and post. Good luck!

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Thanks McGilli, sorry to hear you've had to take a second run at it, what was the problem? Has the recovery been easier this time? Yeah it's the worst, I always think that I've torn the stitches even when the pain is nowhere near the incisions.

Had a real turn around today, feel a lot better in many ways. Was able to sleep pretty much the whole way through the night (12pm-7am) without waking up at all, and haven't taken any painkillers since day two. Went for a walk yesterday and felt very rigid and my chest ached a bunch, but today I hardly noticed it.

I'm much more able to sit/lie comfortably in almost any position, and changing clothes has gotten a lot easier. I can even put my whole body weight on my arms when I need to stand up off my mattress (which is on the floor), which I couldn't do before at all.

The only lingering discomfort is on my RHS, which I guess makes sense as the Gyne was larger on that side. 

Can't wait for my post-op review on Friday. Finally going to get the dressing off and see the results! Also will get to take a much needed shower, at this point I'm not far away from having cartoon stink lines.

Offline McGilli

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Thanks McGilli, sorry to hear you've had to take a second run at it, what was the problem? Has the recovery been easier this time?

I actually have a large pictured thread over in the YOUR STORIES forum here. Have a look!

But basically, the first surgery was excellent. Like, I was amazed at how simple it was. No painafterwards. No swelling. Minimal bruising. But after a while, like 6-8 weeks it became apparent there was still some 'stuff' that needed to come out. And, my left nipple had attached itself to the pec muscle. That needed to be cut free.

Umm - this 2nd time the recovery has been much... more... difficult I guess u could say. Massive swelling which needed blood drawn out. Harder to sleep etc.

Here is my thread:'s-story-before-after-1st-surgery-before-2nd-surgery/

Haha the worst was the other day my girlfriend was handing something to me - and it slipped - and natural instinct was to kind of reach out and lunge for it with my arms and it was like OUCH!!! huge stretch.... that sucks.

Keep updating! Sounds like your recovery is coming along very nicely.

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Ah man, had a look through your thread, that must be so frustrating. Especially since you had such great results initially and did everything right! It is a long old road this isn't it. Best of luck in your re-recovery, please do keep updating.

Ha yeah I had something like this morning when I was making the bed. Just sort of out of instinct I did that big grand shake of the duvet to make sure everything's in there and BAM agony. Sometimes I think if my buddies knew even half of what's been going on with me this last week I would literally never hear the end of it. "So you hurt yourself making the bed.. Because you had your boobs removed?!"

Gunna do an update now in a separate comment so I don't get confused ha.

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Fiiiinally had my post-op review today.

So glad to get to take the vest off for a while. Weirdly last night/this morning was unbearably itchy, as in I slept hardly at all, so when the nurse took it off and cleaned up the area I practically melted with all the pent up itchiness finally getting scratched. She also took the stitches out and put on some smaller dressings.

There is a lot of swelling and a little bruising but I'm really happy with the results even at this early stage. Have attached some pictures. You'll notice the swelling particularly on the RHS, I'm determined not to worry about it until the healing has gotten going. God even looking at them now makes me want to scratch.

I've now bought a Nike compression t-shirt (one size too small) and I'm wearing the compression band on top of that. Thankfully the nurse let me get rid of the separate vest part (don't know if anyone else had this, I had no idea it was offering basically no compression. ) I'm really happy about this as now you can hardly tell I'm wearing anything under t-shirts/shirts, and the nike shirt doesn't irritate my skin at all.

She's told me to keep the compression on 24/7 until at least next week when we'll review again, and that I still shouldn't be sleeping on my side just yet. Not that bad though as I'm getting more used to back sleeping now.

Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Offline throwawaythreefourfive

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Offline McGilli

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Even with the swelling, your chest looks 110% better already. I'm going through the itchy phase myself so I know what you mean!

Good luck!


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