Author Topic: on off relationship with my chest  (Read 1641 times)

Offline newlad

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Hi all

For years now I have had an on off relationship with my chest, 75% of the time I have puffy nipples and slightly oversized chest, other times (usually when im cold or have been for a run) i have a quite buff tight chest with normal sized nipples. It soooo anoys me. My left side of my body has always been mor toned that my right side, im 32 and am now just over 12stone 5.11 tall. When I was just over 11 stone it was always the same on/off, then i gained 2 stone takeing me upto 13 stone, this made me look mainly fatty chest most of the time, i have been doing cardio and pec and sit up etc for the last month and watched my calorie intake and have lost nearly a stone, as always fat seemed to start coming off my legs first then my chin and my chest last. I have also been taking weight loss pills and supplements call Z MASS ANABOL (testosterone and muscle booster)

I think I know for sure that i have gynecomastia as i can feel the hard round gland under my right nipple, my left nipple is not as bad but still suffers. I really cant afford to have surgery being on low income with kids and wife etc, family comes first.

Is there any hope that I dont need surgery as I have witness my chest being tight and without puffy nipples? I hav'nt seen a speicalist yet or a doctor.

Many thanks


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In the long run, I'd say surgery. I understand your feelings towards it. Sometimes I wish my case was worse so I would make gyne surgery my priority. Since my case is minor, and my nipples are only puffy when I am hot, its hard to throw down $5k. If I had a worse case, it would make the money more worth it. Anyways, I am still saving up for surgery, but still spending here and there.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is a very difficult decision, even more-so due to your family financial responsibilities.

The ultimate deciding factor is going to be how much impact this has upon your self image.

Many of us manage to accept the condition and simply go on with our lives while there are also many who opt for surgery. There is not a single answer that will fit us all, but there is only one answer that is right for you.

If you do a search here, you will find references to many celebrities who have Gyne and seem unconcerned. Some of these references even have photos.

The condition is depicted in art from the time of ancient Egypt and Greece right down to the present. The condition is an embarrassment, but it is really so common that many consider it to be (usually) within the range of "normal." The very word Gynecomastia actually goes back to the Greek Physician "Galen."

Grandpa Dan


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