Author Topic: help on my chest, my right chest is like a female breast what should I do?  (Read 3188 times)

Offline gunz_ina

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guys and doctors out there can i ask for some help/suggestions that will help me get rid of these gynecomastia in my right chest....


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guys and doctors out there can i ask for some help/suggestions that will help me get rid of these gynecomastia in my right chest....

Posting Standard Gynecomastia Pictures can help others better understand your concerns.

One Sided or Unilateral Gynecomastia is quite common.  However, more often both sides have some problem one more so than the other with Uneven or Asymmetry Gynecomastia.  Contouring both sides on uneven gynecomastia is much easier than trying to make a larger side look like a smaller deformity.

Options depend on many factors that are best explored during a consultation after an evaluation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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