Author Topic: Plastic bottles, xenoestrogens, bisphenol-a, pthalates  (Read 8718 times)

Offline Badgene

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hmm. I guess your probably right. at least i hope so. knowing that from what your surgeon said makes me feel a bit better. I think I prefer it being genetics rather then harmone if that makes any sense so hopefully Im done with it now (gyne).

Im still thinking I want to see an endo tho just to make sure it doesn't come back and get me ( and to see if any nasty perscriptions effected me). but if he says its all good then I think I will probably relax about the whole chemical thing tho I'm still going to play it careful.....even if the stuff does make me a bit paranoid at times cuz you are right about that part too.

and I know theres no way i can give up juicy steak and burgers anyway ;) but I will surely try to add more greens in. If I want to be a body builder like walberg (which I do, soon as I heal up, I bought weights and everything) I'll need all the meat I can get I think.

I was just poking a little fun with Gorn, I dont mean to bicker with anyone. stressful times for all Im sure.


I remember A surgeon who I had seen suggested to me that a lot of weight (fat) like I had in my life suggested that the fat can actually have an effect on the estrogen in the body at times, tho I didnt tell him that I had it when I was born or that I think it may even run in a part of my family. Im looking for ways to counter this in possibility but only time can tell for me I guess. I wonder how much an endo would cost me uninsured.... scared to find out.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 10:00:22 PM by Badgene »

Offline Gyno 44

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Offline Gyno 44

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ya the gorn is a good guy, has a ton of good post

Offline The_G0rn

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lol what u thought i'd be offended by his post or something?
I'm really not that sensitive. If someone on here doesn't agree with me i couldn't care less, people can say what they want. 
Even what the doctors the end of the day, is just an opinion. Maybe more educated than the rest of us, but an opinion nonetheless.

Surgery done 18th March 2008


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