Author Topic: Plastic bottles, xenoestrogens, bisphenol-a, pthalates  (Read 8714 times)

Offline headheldhigh01

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up late and tired of reading the bogus soy scare stuff (instead of the real culprits in hormone-infested meat and dairy, i.m.h.o.), so here's another one that has been bothering me. 

heard an interesting statement that drinking from one or two plastic bottles, depending on the plastic, can be the hormonal equivalent of taking a birth control pill  :o  :o  this is on top of the lavender and tea tree oil effects studies.  it is not a good thing to read about when your own life's been messed up by gyne.  no wonder they're finding emasculated male fish and frogs in streams growing female organs. we need less of this. 

there's lots of articles out there, but here are two i was looking at.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 04:33:29 AM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline tunapuff

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I agree with this......which is why it's recommended not to freeze waterbottles anymore.  The xenoestrogens come from the plastisizers in the the more flexible the plastic is worse it probably is.....milk jugs being one of the worst.

Offline IHELP

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Wait so u can get estrogen from these bottles?

Offline Badgene

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if you notice when we get those damn plastic water bottles from the stores or worse from them multi packs..... you notice how thin those are? Its because in recent years they been trying to use less oil, which = more profits and whatever else, so they are thinner and flimsier then ever. I had a bad feeling about those even before I read stuff.

they pretend its "better for the environment" but its about profit.

Not like those old thick Desani water bottles anymore they are all paper thin crap. When your done drinking from it they look all wrinkled like aluminum foil! Not to mention they taste like death.....

I am never reusing plastic water bottles again.

So I should avoid meat and dairy too? I live in the states so our preferable options are limited....

theres no way to win is there........ :-[

Everyday at work I drink from one of those multipack water bottles I get at the store....... I dont know what to do anymore. feeling very sad now...... :'(

very sad :-\

Offline tunapuff

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Use a hard plastic re-useable water bottle......and try to eat organic as much as possible.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Would everyone catch their breath a minute.

HHH started with an article which stated that flexible plastics, Both high and low density Polyethylene and polypropylene were ok. The article raised questions about the safety of hard plastics, specifically polycarbonate.

tunapuff Agrees and says the more flexible the worse it  is.   OOPS! Polycarbonate is clear and Rigid. Polyethylene is the good stuff and it is flexible, Remember Tupperware?. Polypropylene is good stuff too it is less flexible than Polyethylene but it handles higher pressures so  it is used for things like soda bottles.

In a few short lines, what started out to be informative was turned 180 degrees.

I really don't care guys. I have some old fashioned milk bottles that I use. They are so old that they are made of glass. I also don't care for teflon coated skillets but prefer my old cast iron. I use uncoated aluminum pots and pans. Please serve my food on a porcelain plate. I'll Take a silver fork please.  And no I'm not pulling your leg.

There are some plastics that should not even be near food, and there are some which are safer cheaper than the glass bottles and porcelain jugs that they replaced.

Now if only I could remember that article HHH was talking about and forget all the rest.
Grandpa Dan

Offline tunapuff

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tunapuff Agrees and says the more flexible the worse it  is.   OOPS! Polycarbonate is clear and Rigid. Polyethylene is the good stuff and it is flexible, Remember Tupperware?. Polypropylene is good stuff too it is less flexible than Polyethylene but it handles higher pressures so  it is used for things like soda bottles.

In a few short lines, what started out to be informative was turned 180 degrees.

The flexible plastic being known to increase estrogen levels is not unfounded....You can read about it in the Anti-Estrogenic diet by Ori Hofmekler or here on how bisphenol A ( a common plasticizer found in water bottles and mentioned in this thread) has been linked to both breast cancer and increased estrogen... I think that plastic should be avoided all together when it comes to food, but lets face it, it is extraordinarily common.  I was simply suggesting trying to use a plastic that wasn't known to cause cancer and increase estrogen......sorry for the horrible misinformation I apparently was giving.

here's another article on plastizers being estrogenic
If what makes plastic flexible is causing a problem......wouldn't it make sense that flexible plastic (having been exposed to more of these agents) are worse for you?  Again, I'm not trying to condone using plastic in anyway..... I'm just shocked to see that my comments are being taken as a 180 degree turn around from an article that states that chemicals which make plastic flexible is causing these problems.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 10:33:45 PM by tunapuff »

Offline Badgene

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......sorry for the horrible misinformation I apparently was giving.

nah dude, not misinformation.....

You've been providing some fantastic information Ive been following from some of your other posts.

Its just the whole concept of trying to live and do this thing of life healthy is so very confusing and so depressing too. Those are great links. The information they have is a bit bundled and Im just trying to figure it all out. and thanks for the new link.

See I checked out my little nestle PureLife waterbottle I got right here. I couldnt find any "numbers" but inside the recycle symbol it says 1 (with the word PETE under it hm...) ..... So I believe its one of the fase one plastic water bottle breeds thats made for one time use and needs to be discarded as the site suggests... kinda cool. I hope I read it right. These bottles get horribly wrinkled anyway. very gross

I just wonder if I should drink from it at all.

Im also taking the other advice and trying not to get overworked on it, but the whole thing is so unsettling  :(

So thick hard fancy colord ones are danger too? Like the soda bottles? Im still trying to understand. I will be checking everytime now that I know what they are...

Maybe I should go to store and buy a large sturdy plastic water bottle and check the type of plastic first and if its a good one (like 4 or 5) I will use it for like a month straight......

Offline The_G0rn

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Heres a novel idea...drink water out of TAP with a GLASS...and you wont have to worry about ingesting nasty estrogenic compounds from plastic.  Plus you have the added benefit of:

1 - Saves you money - you aren't paying for something which is (practically) free anyway
2 - Helping the environment

I really don't understand this modern obsession with carting little plastic bottles of water around with you everywhere be it work/school/gym etc.  Like some kind of baby with its bottle...nobody did it 30/40 years ago (plastic bottles filled with water) and the human race was fine, so you don't need to do it now.
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline Badgene

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umm yeah.... well if only I could kindly ask my darling of a boss to fetch me a fresh tall glass of cold water from its nonexistant source while I tend to all the customers at work then there wouldn't be so many problems...... I suppose I could maybe grab a sip from the leaking air conditioning unit.

its not like highschool where you get to have a waterfountain or sink around every damn corner. although I do miss that metallic flavored water.

maybe when Im out jogging I can call the police or fire dept. to bring me some water assistance from the hose or hydrant......

I could perhaps make use of a urinating dog. or take on my own form of recycling...

oooooo! I could rob a lemonade stand! you know how defensless they are this time of year......

or perhaps I could go into a convenience store or gas station and ask the clerk for the keys to get access to the toilet instead......but nah that cant taste good.....  :-*  :P
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 01:15:47 PM by Badgene »

Offline bamboocha

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1. Buy a 1 liter vodka bottle mad of glass
2. Drink the vodka
3. Fill the bottle with tap water
4. Take the bottle to work, jogging, etc. like you would take the plastic water bottle

Offline Gyno 44

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give me a break - gyno from plastic water bottles, do you know how many people workout and carry a gallon of watter with them while lifting- they dont have breast. SO many people i know who drink water from them (athletes) dont have gyn.

Everyone is pariniod on this site which rubs off on others  including me.

         The gorn good idea exept people will counter  it saying theres estrogen in the tap water (studies have shown this to be factual)

see where im going ?

seems like nothing is safe .

meat, dairy, water, plastic. lavender, soy ect ect.

ps to headlight

Mark Walberg, and many other body builders do a meat only diet and they dont have gyn

Offline Badgene

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gyno from plastic water bottles,    

Well dude no one said you get GYNE from drinking from the plastic bottles, we are talking about the DANGERS of people who are susceptible to negative environmental impacts..... (at least I am)

As in: I was born with gyne, I may in fact have some sort of hormonal problem which I am waiting to see an ENDO for... This makes me want to be careful about the type of chemicals I put in my body. Seeing as how Ive been drinking and reusing what they mention as a semi unsafe habit from the type* of bottles Ive been using = this is valid information for me that I shall consider when making life choices and I thank these guys for it.

 (in fact I dont think anyone said gyne at all so far.)

I know how many people work out and carry gallons of water with them, yet how many of those people are at risk for harmones or even have gyne? Damned if I seen many.

They dont have gyne, they dont have hormonal problems, they dont worry.

I on the other hand maybe do have to worry. and these people in the other links (health officials) who are considering banning specific plastics that are being fed to infants as we speak is most definitely a topic of concern if I end up becoming a father.

maybe this "Mark Walberg" isnt at risk nor has he ever been maybe at risk for gyne or any other potential hormonal problem.....

(they do inject some pretty horrible stuff into our cattle, stuff that would get u arrested if you tried to bring it into Europe)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 02:07:36 PM by Badgene »

Offline Gyno 44

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parts of europe gets thier beef from us,

and if you were born with gyn.... then its genitics which means hormonal problem is pretty much non  exsistance, thats what my surgeon told me cuz i have gyno and my whole family has gyno = genitics he said.


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