Author Topic: Pre-Surgery Nervousness  (Read 1929 times)

Offline drosef

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Wow. I've come a long way from when this started. I'm sixteen right now, and I've had this issue since eleven years old.
Kinda scary to think that I'm going to be changing so drastically in just one day. On Wednesday I am going to get gynecomastia surgery from Dr. Fielding. It's been scheduled for a few weeks now, but just today I began to get some feelings of nervousness and anxiety. It's not that I am not excited, it's just that I can't help but worry about the risks and possible errors of this.
It was a big decision for me to tell someone and take this step, and now that it's all coming to a close I am having thoughts of doubt.
I know it will all end up fine and I'l be happier after, but it seems un-real. Well, I'm ok I guess, I'l let you know how it turns out.
Just two questions if anyone can help me out.
1. How is the I.V needle? Does it hurt?
2. What was your recovery experience?

Offline thisischris

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I haven't had the surgery done but I have had IV's.  It's no big deal.  The needle doesn't stay in your skin like most people think.  It's a super tiny flexible tube that stays in.  Doesn't hardly hurt if at all.

Offline drosef

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Well that's relieving I guess.. but still nervous. I'm pretty sure it will go well but there's always that negative thought in the back of my head. Well too late to back out, 15 hours to go.

Offline Xavier

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Waiting for years to get surgery too. Going under the knife in less than 14 days. Reality starting to set in.

Offline drosef

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Just got home a few hours ago. The surgery went very well.

The surgery went as follows. Arrive at 9:30 Am. Waited for an hour until around 10:15. At this point a nurse came, got me changed, and checked my vitals. I also asked her for lidocaine/Emla cream for my hand, which I would recommend doing.

After this I waited in the waiting room for another hour or so. At 12:15 I went to the operation area. I sat and waited for five mins until an anaesthesiologist came and talked to me. He asked a few general questions and we went over to the operating room.

At this point I was ridiculously nervous, kind of wanting to back out. I sat in the operation bed, the doctor prepped me by drawing lines and putting a heart and blood pressure monitor on me, as well as a few random stickers. Then the anesthisia doctor came in and gave me the I.V needle, which I literally didn't feel at all. This was due to the lidocaine cream. Please ask for this, it works wonders.

Anyways, he gave me oxygen mask and turned the I.V on. He said wait sixty seconds, but it was like 7 or 10 seconds tops. No pain whatsoever during pre-op period.

Post-op: I woke up and had a little trouble breathing, but no big deal. She gave me some ice pieces and I felt better. They kept me in recovery for 40 mins. After this they moved me to my room for around two hours. They gave me 10 somethings of morphine and 1 pain pill, I forgot the name.

The pain was minimal, even before the pain. Just a tightness kind of feeling. Now im home and there's a little more pain but I took a tylenol three and it's back to a little bit but hey, can't be too picky. Plus, it's very manageable, I've had worse from falling and stuff so don't worry about that. Right now I still haven't seen what it looks like but I will see it for the first time on tuesday and let you guys know how it is.

If anyone wants to know anything about how it went, just ask me.

Offline IN2DEEP

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Glad you had a good experience! I thought Id share mine too.

I just had mine last week too and it was so easy. The hardest part of the whole procedure was the actual waiting time to get into the surgery room. Once I was there I was actually fine, I have a degree in molecular biology and I ended up talking with the anasthesist about how it actually works. I think after a while she was tired of having me talking or something because the first thing I knew I was waking up lol...

For the pre-op pain, they gave me Tylenol and put the same cream, I didn't even felt the neddle go in.

As for the post-op pain, it was very minimal. I had Demerol and a weaker pain killer to control pain. I had supply for a good 2 weeks and I only took one pill the night of the operation, thats it. It feels like a hard pec training at the gym, nothing more.

Wearing the compression vest and having drain are a pain in the as$ but it is absolutly nothing compare to the joy of thinking that this piece of $hit is now somewhere in a biohasard trash.

Before I had the surgery I had 342098234 questions, so feel free to ask your question but at the end of the day, you shouldt be worry about anything. Make sure you are treated by professionals and you will be just fine.

Offline drosef

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I felt the same in the waiting room and I was really nervous especially right before the surgery under those lights.. But now it's all good i'm 11 days post op and feeling great. Still got the vest but when it's washing and I wear a t-shirt I feel great. Only complaint is the tape, which I am having trouble taking off on the areola incisions. By the way, I didn't end up getting drains which was a good thing.
How far along are you? How was your healing process so far?
Also glad it went well for you.


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