Author Topic: qu: when is a compression garment necessary  (Read 3527 times)

Offline wasatchm

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having surgery tomorrow.  I talked to the nurse about a pressurized garment and she said they use ace bandages and not pressurized garments.   she said I would wear the ace bandage for 2 weeks and that's it.  

my question is, should I get a pressurized garment to wear after that 2 week period?  if so, how long should I wear it.   I have major gyne on one side and moderate gyne on the other.   I have included a web link to a picture so you have some idea of what I might look like after the surgery.  

thanks,  BA

Offline get_it_off

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Hi there,

I asked the same exact question from my doctor and this was his response was that he normally uses an  ace wrap immediately following surgery but he said that if I wanted one he could order one for me for 1/2 the price of retail. He said he thought that it was a good idea because:

1) It helps to decrease swelling in the surgical area
2) decreases the chance of developing a seroma (fluid collection) in of the surgical
3) it enhances the aesthetic outcome by assisting the skin to adhere down to the fascia (tough, fibrous membrane that covers muscle) and
4) his other patients had told him that the vest just feels good on the after the surgery because it minimizes direct contact with things.

There are down sides:  it's hot and tight and not too comfortable under clothing, especially right after surgery.  Still, I have heard people wear them for 6 weeks post-operatively.  

Cant talk from experience because I my surgery is scheduled for 11/4.


Offline nothingworse

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I am also getting my surgery on 11/4. My doc said to wear the compression garmet for 6 weeks. I will because it does help most times and I want the best possible results. I am already wearing a underworks vest and it isn't that bad. I have worn it for almost 3 months and what is another 6 weeks. Good luck to you guys as well with your surgeries. I am going to Dr. Pensler and he gave me photos of what I would look like after and I liked what I saw. Good luck

Offline wasatchm

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thanks for the info.  I'm gonna go ahead and get a compression vest.  

should I wear it in place of the ace bandage or wait the 2 weeks (until the plastic surgeon removes the ace bandage) to start wearing it?

 I want the best possible result and I do believe the compession vest will do that.  I am not sure if the PS believe a compession garment will help that much with helping to contour my chest.


Offline nothingworse

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I would definetely wear the compression vest right away. If in the end it means a little bit better skin contour, etc. I would do it. It is just a short while you'll have to wear it and you'll want the best results after its all said and done. The underworks vest I ordered works great. I got a #993. It makes my chest look flat but, I have all gland gyne and it is still lumpy through the vest. But, after surgery it will all look great. After you wear it for a decent period your chest should get used to that bind and the skin should tighten a little more improving the contour even more. So go for it man. It was worth the $18 I spent on it and it will provide me with more help after surgery. Good luck to you and everything with your healing process. I hope my surgery goes well but, with the PS I have and my condition I know he will get the job done.

Offline TattooBoi

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I'm 2 days post op and my PS didn't recommend a pressure garment.  I've been reading  alot about them on here and I'm a little concerned.  I took the bandages off today and I'm VERY happy!  The right side is definately swollen and my Dr. said that was normal, etc.  

I want the best results possible.....what should I do?  Oh, and how do I post pics on here?

Offline nothingworse

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You can go to and order a #993 or a #997 compression vest. The #993 is single layer compression or doesn't compress to tight. The #997 has double layer compression and compresses really tight. The #993 is a bit more comftorable but, the #997 would compress a bit better. But, both are good. The #993 is about $18 plus $5 shipping and the #997 is about $28 plus $5 shipping. They are great for pre and post op wear. So, if you want a compression vest you should order one because they are very nice. It may as well improve your results and lower the swelling faster as well. So, go to the site and order one if you like. I ordered both and I like them. Good luck with everything.

Offline newgyneguy

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I know you didn't ask me, but I feel compelled to answer anyway...

Before I discovered Underworks, I tried bandages, band-aids, medical tape, duct tape, under armour, tight tank tops, and tried to tighten everything with thread, safety pins, etc.  Nothing really did the job.

Underworks 997 rendered these solutions moot.  When wearing this compression, it was all but impossible to detect my gyne.  I would say it is 2-3x better than anything available in WalMart, and the best thing other than surgery.

The main problems were that it is slightly uncomfortable (but so is duct tape, right), a little expensive, and you could make out the shirt under tight t-shirts.  Also, I had to basically come clean with a couple girls when I had to take my shirt off and the compression garment was there.  Other than that, the 997 altered the way I wore clothes and looked at my gyne.

Offline newgyneguy

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Its ok thanks for answering, but the reason I was asking about the #993 is because I already had surgery and don't really need it to conceal the gyne I just want something for compression thats better than a tight tanktop but not as restricting as bandages.

Sorry I was a little confused ;).  I had the surgery and my doc, who wasn't familiar with underworks, recommended it for compression for six weeks.


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