Author Topic: Areola Reduction...How small can they go?  (Read 5585 times)

Offline tittyman1111

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already had one areola reduction. Improved about 20 percent. Need another for sure. This time I want to go SMALL AS POSSIBLE, like for nipple (when relaxed, u can barely see my actually nipple, its just a saucy areola and i hate that. it makes the skin look loose and shit). I want my PS (Fortes), to basically cut right around the nipple and leave my nipples extremely small, so the skin will finally be tight. (my nipples look great when they are hard.)  I see him again on April 2nd for another post op follow up. Im worried he will say no. I had the surgery feb 1st, and u can barely tell. I deal with scarring well i guess. I will try Weiner if he says no. ( Only if Weiner does local anesthesia tho, im not paying 1500 just to get knocked out).

Offline Mikecosta

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you might end up worse off if you get it done. :-\ I can imagine your frustration

Offline tittyman1111

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Offline gyneman

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They may make them too small making them look irregular. I've seen some pictures on the internet with guys that had areola reduction and the areolas are so small they do not look natural at all. I had areola reduction and nipple reduction, my areola were cut smaller but not exactly the way I wanted them. Same situation, looks like loose skin, but I explained this to my DR and he said if we went smaller it would be too risky and complications could occur. For example, areola and nipple loss. Would you want to take that risk?? If that happened, it would really look unnatural because you would have to have an areola tattoed on. It does happen!!!


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already had one areola reduction. Improved about 20 percent. Need another for sure. This time I want to go SMALL AS POSSIBLE, like for nipple (when relaxed, u can barely see my actually nipple, its just a saucy areola and i hate that. it makes the skin look loose and shit). I want my PS (Fortes), to basically cut right around the nipple and leave my nipples extremely small, so the skin will finally be tight. (my nipples look great when they are hard.)  I see him again on April 2nd for another post op follow up. Im worried he will say no. I had the surgery feb 1st, and u can barely tell. I deal with scarring well i guess. I will try Weiner if he says no. ( Only if Weiner does local anesthesia tho, im not paying 1500 just to get knocked out).

Areola Reduction Surgery can have many risks and problems better discussed during a consultation after an evaluation.  There are many techniques to tighten the skin and remove areola, each has their own compromises.

Warning Graphing During Gynecomastia Areola Reduction Surgery Pictures

You can see actual pictures during a  Revision Donut Mastopexy Areola Reduction Surgery here

Photographs during surgery to reduce big areola continue here. and there are more Pictures during surgery to reduce male areola here.

Just sculpting under the areola can result in smaller diameters, but it is in the projection or "puffiness" of the areola that sculpture behind excels.  Check out the many before after pictures of this

Nipple Areola Reduction Gallery
Male Nipple Areola Reduction Gallery
Nipple Areola Reduced Gallery.  These results are typical for my sculpture of my patients.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline tittyman1111

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As long as they dont fall off, i want them ultra small, like u were syaing. i would think it would look good one me, since my chest is very developed. when my nipples are hard they look real small and tight and makes my whole body look better. when they loosen up they are just gross in my opinion and sag some when i lean over.

As long as the surgeon dosnt cut the connecting tissue from the nipple, i dont see why it would die.

Offline moobius

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just go nip-less... what do you need 'em for anyways :D

Offline tittyman1111

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haha yeah, i think id like to keep SOME of them


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just go nip-less... what do you need 'em for anyways :D

The male chest without nipples just looks weird.  Roll your pointer over the mens' chest pictures and see what I mean.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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