Author Topic: Disappointed ...  (Read 4176 times)

Offline fwmcdo

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Today I went to see a board-certified plastic surgeon about gynecomastia surgery.  I was told he would not do it due to some past medical problems (high blood pressure - medicated, borderline diabetes, and generally being overweight).  I would consider my gynecomastia moderately severe.  I've seen photos of others that were worse ... but most photos I've seen were not as bad as mine.  I've had gynecomastia virtually most of my life.  I take several medications (Rx) that I've read recently about as contributing to gynecomastia.  In addition, my testosterone level is low and I use a patch.

My gynecomastia is substantially troubling to me ... but I seem to have hit a brick wall with regard to surgical correction.  I know that I can search for other surgeons and I may very well do that.  But it is disappointing that I can't find a doctor who will do the procedure for me because they feel it may be too risky.  My self-esteem is suffering as well as my sex life.

Any wise counsel out there?

Offline texas512

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i'd suggest diet and exercise. it should help with the high blood pressure and borderline diabetes, in which case the doctor would probably do the procedure

Offline manic91m9

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yep diet and exercise could solve your health issues, depending on your type of diabetes

Offline merle

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    • Merle James Yost, LMFT
weight watchers and OA if necessary. They are a great combo when you feel powerless around you weight and eating.

By loosing the weight you gain self esteem. And set yourself up for a much safe surgery and a much better outcome.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

Offline adam_f

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not wanting to follow the heard as it were but loose a few pounds and then go back in 6 months and say, "HEY IVE LOST WEIGHT AND MY BLOODY PRESSURE IS NORMAL.... NOW CUT MY BLOODY MOOBS OFF!"

Always get another opinion though, but bear in mind a second opinion in your favor may not always be the correct one!


Offline RyanMace

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not wanting to follow the heard as it were but loose a few pounds and then go back in 6 months and say, "HEY IVE LOST WEIGHT AND MY BLOODY PRESSURE IS NORMAL.... NOW CUT MY BLOODY MOOBS OFF!"

Always get another opinion though, but bear in mind a second opinion in your favor may not always be the correct one!


It'll help to recover after the procedure, plus that u might lose a bit of fat around ur chest area, which is always good, to avoid lose skin after the procedure.

Offline Bolognianips

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The idea of high blood pressure, or being a borderline diabetic, isnt about results or difficulty of the operation.  Its about safety.  You may find a Dr. that will perform the operation, but you may end up in a situaion like the much publicised mother of Kayne West.  If you have been diagnosed as "borderline" diabetic, you MUST loose weight.  Along with the weight loss, and increase in activity you will probably be able to get your blood pressure under control (I'm assuming your younger than 40).  At your point, I wouldnt give a damn about the operation, the fact that if you continue as you are you will more than likely become a full blown diabetic (FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE), would make me change my ways.  I've known people that have been told they were borderline diabetic, lost weight, got in shape etc, and had absolutely no issues with it since.  Perhaps you cant make something like that go away forever, but you should be able to gain many many years before diabeates becomes an irriversible part of your life.

You should definately see a doctor about getting your disqualifying issues resolved, it appears that when you were diagnosed with these problems the physician wasnt successful in conveying the tight rope you are walking on.

Good Luck!


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