Author Topic: Re Introduction  (Read 3153 times)

Offline gotgyne

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Thank you. 
B.t.w. At the moment the forum has 673 guests and only 8 users. It seems that there are more new members to come. Hopefully!
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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Also, perhaps it's just me. But it's kind of nice to see that the new users coming and being active are open minded and accepting of their breasts. Not just that, but when I first joined years ago, I'd say a good 1 out of 10 new users/posts were just flat chests, nothing to see here, how bad is my days, it's very much the opposite. It's nice to see not just the numbers growing here looking for help and acceptance and options and insight, but sharing their experiences and journeys as well. I know if I had not found this site initially when my breasts began growing, I'd probably spent the 6500 to get them removed. Because of this site, I have found such joy and comfort in the community of men like myself and found that this issue is not bad at all and is actually kinda cool and unique. Here's hoping those who lurk/browse find what they are looking for, join, share and bring their contribution to the forum as we all have for the users after them to find a place as well. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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If I was a D cup I don't know if I could emotionally grasp the reality of that lol.
I'd mind.
Hmm, I didn't start wearing support full time until I was a D cup. Neck pain was the key driver in making the decision. 

Now at a DDD, I can't imagine going through my day without a bra. Also since I stopped pretending to be male, and present as female, wearing a bra is expected of me. 👙💃💋
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Justagirl💃

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Also, perhaps it's just me. But it's kind of nice to see that the new users coming and being active are open minded and accepting of their breasts. Not just that, but when I first joined years ago, I'd say a good 1 out of 10 new users/posts were just flat chests, nothing to see here, how bad is my days, it's very much the opposite. It's nice to see not just the numbers growing here looking for help and acceptance and options and insight, but sharing their experiences and journeys as well. I know if I had not found this site initially when my breasts began growing, I'd probably spent the 6500 to get them removed. Because of this site, I have found such joy and comfort in the community of men like myself and found that this issue is not bad at all and is actually kinda cool and unique. Here's hoping those who lurk/browse find what they are looking for, join, share and bring their contribution to the forum as we all have for the users after them to find a place as well.
It's wonderful that we have a site where discussion varies from bra types to estrogen dominance. 💞

The same hormones that made them grow on our chests (many of us since puberty), changes much more than that. I call it the 'estrogen highway', and we all move along it at various paces and destinations. I'm sure many of your won't have my destination, and that's okay. 🤗

We have had a few try and 'mold' the topics to their liking in the past, but they are the ones that tend to disappear and never come back.

It's an open discussion here, and all aspects of everyone's journey should be welcomed.


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It is great to have a forum that can help anyone traveling on the highway. Without this forum I probably wouldn’t have tried a bra or accepted my breasts or even called them that. Stern on it being gynecomastia but it gets to a point where you have to just realize they are boobs and if not going the surgical route they need to be treated like boobs. That means check ups, bras, massage, and other things to make sure they are healthy like any other area of the body. I’m not on the same path as you but it doesn’t matter cause this forum has become such a great space for so many dealing with this issue legitimately and honestly. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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 I’m not on the same path as you but it doesn’t matter cause this forum has become such a great space for so many dealing with this issue legitimately and honestly.
Acceptance varies from person to person. 

My self acceptance will be quite different than anyone else's. 
I think we are both on ''the same path', but our destinations vary greatly. 🤔


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That could be. As life goes in revelations of self come at various checkpoints and arrive at different times I suppose. Be curious with the psychology talk in other areas what you may believe same destination if not same path pertains to.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I don't often wander over to this side of the website but I'm glad I did.

You are very well endowed my friend.  Looking at the two photos with the first post, I would note two things.  These lovely breasts are men's breasts, wide set on the chest with nipples pointed out rather than up.  Secondly, though you say your breasts fit in the cups of your brassiere, that brassiere definitely appears to be constraining your breasts.  I'm with Sophie in believing you need fuller cups.  A well designed underwire brassiere will gather the fullness of your breasts but will allow them to breathe a bit.  I wear a "minimizing" brassiere but the cups definitely shape my breasts.  I've added a photo below to show what I'm talking about... I do this quite often so you may already have seen this image.

You definitely belong in this club.  I appreciate how you contribute to conversations.  I'm glad you've returned.


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Thank you 42, truly appreciate it. As many I didn’t expect to be considered well endowed in this way but as it is it will be. Still wouldn’t consider myself endowed up top but I’ll take outsiders views more than mine as I often wonder how I appear to others if they see my chest as just a softer male chest or if they see breasts cause I’m so used to seeing my own and may not be aware. We are heading on vacation and the beach will be a moment of momentary concern I think :/. 

Any go to brands for minimized bras? Always associated them as another word for sports or binding bras but I suppose my bra-ducation needs some higher learning. 

Offline gotgyne

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Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a female administrator. Her name is "becky". Becky, thank you very much for your excellent administration of this forum! I think all of you shall agree.

Offline taxmapper

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Got back from vacation yesterday and decided to take advice and see what a C cup fit like. Little space in the cups when arms out but overall fits fairly well. But still believe I’m better in a B 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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That looks better.  The brassiere I'm especially fond of no longer sells a 42C brassiere.  I don't think I bought them ALL, but I did buy a few.  I use it with an extender since 44 or 46 would likely work better for me.  I just checked and they're selling my favorite brassiere for $14.99!!!!!  Here is a link...

Lilyette by Bali Plunge Into Comfort Keyhole Minimizing Bra

Offline Justagirl💃

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Got back from vacation yesterday and decided to take advice and see what a C cup fit like. Little space in the cups when arms out but overall fits fairly well. But still believe I’m better in a B
I missed this one....

You look great! I love the bra and it seems to fit just 👍 fine. 💞

Offline Benusa2

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Hi BodyPos,

Welcome back! I’m glad you’re doing well and hanging in there.



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