Author Topic: Referrals and Herbal remedies  (Read 1549 times)

Offline Paa_Paw

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I recently blocked a poster and removed or altered all of his posts.  I did that because he was promoting a company that sold Herbal remedies that claimed to "Cure" Gynecomastia.  Their supportive documentation has no scientific basis and is based solely on anecdotal letters all of which have the same errors of spelling and punctuation.  In short, they appear to be fabrications all written by the same person. 
Everyone needs to be aware that there are many people who would love to get rich at your expense. Those people will try to capitalize on your embarrassment and distress. 
It is still true that the only proven way to get rid of  Gynecomastia is Surgery.  Herbal remedies will no more get rid of Gynecomastia than I can uncook an egg once it has been boiled. 
Grandpa Dan

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Thanks for your efforts in removing snake oil sales pitches.  If it wasn't for this site in particular, I may have wasted my money on one of these "cures" at one point or another.  It's sad just how much bad information there is on the internet and how many people are ready to take advantage of the desperate.

Offline Paa_Paw

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And I thank you for your kind words. I have a hard time catching all of that spam so if you see something of that sort I would appreciate a personal message. 


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