Author Topic: Signs or Symptons...  (Read 3058 times)


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This is not a story thread, but rather a cycle thread.

I developed this first in puberty at around 15. I was 5'4 when it first came, and now I am 5'9 and still growing. It started with both my nipples being very sore, hurting when touched. Now, almost 1 1/4 year later, my nipples dont hurt when touched, but I still have quarter size lumps and man boobs. I think they are going away but Im not sure, so:

What are signs of the gyno going away? I'm in puberty so it will eventually go away.

Also, is there anyway I can tell if they are getting smaller?



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I just ordered the 997 thing, so hopefully that will help me wait.

I think I have had this for less then 2 years, and I am growing and in puberty, but I can't live with this shit much longer. I always used to ahev my shirt off, and now Im avoiding anything related to swimming. Please, is there anyways I can tell it is going away?

I ehar 90% of puberty cases go away, so it will eventually?

Offline nukem2k5

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It may.  Does your dad or any male siblings also have a problem with enlarged breasts?  Mine never went away so I can't really tell you what signs to look for, but if you have any older brothers without gyne, I wouldn't worry much.  Both of my brothers have it.
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My dad doesn't have it, never did. I don't have any brothers, and from what I have talked with my dad about, he seems to believe it will go away, but it has been more then 1 year, and I am really getting pissed off.

Offline Paa_Paw

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As long as you are still in puberty, there is a good chance that your Gynecomastia will go away on its own.

I have not heard of any symptoms that breast tissue is being reabsorbed or shrinking.  Likewise there is probably not any truly objective way to assess their size.  In fact it would seem that you can make them bigger just by paying a lot of attention to them.

What I just said is rather foolish in a way.  Your breasts will not enlarge just because you keep looking at them.  But if you become preoccupied with them it will seem so.

Until you have reached maturity physically, your best course of action might be to ignore them as much as possible.  Hopefully you'll see yourself in the mirror one day and realize that your breasts are not as large as you remembered them.  

Alternatively, if you can't get the issue off your mind;  hope for the best while you prepare for the worst.  In short, start saving for surgery just in case.  I'm sure a young man could find a lot of things that he could do with several thous........
Grandpa Dan


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For the 1 1/2 years Iv'e had it, from age 15-16, I've done a good job at hiding it and ignoring it. But since I discovered this site with all the people who didn't have theirs go away, it makes me hard to believe that 90% figure.

I have not noti ced a difference in appearence, but the density has been going down and the hard lumps are sorta spreading out. Thanks


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