Author Topic: started cutting a hole in right side of my gyne  (Read 11107 times)

Offline turningacorner

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f*cking painful, really pisses me off, if it was'nt I could easily live with a few scars.

I need a pair of small scissors, with hooks around the blades which would face upwards away from the direction of the blades. The scissors could cut the material up and the hooks drag it out.

The hole would have a diameter of about 5 mm or less, the smaller the better to minimse scarring to the point of what.. practically darn all compared to some pics I've seen, these guys standing there smirking with 3 scars on each breast from the butcher who did'nt give a shit and charged them 4 grand.

Lots of ice and something to alleviate the pain/ blood flow to the area and it's f*cking possible.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

My biggest worry is the recovery period, people would notice a bandage. Also to be careful to cut equally from each, but tbf, the more out the better, I don't care as long as I look normal with a shirt on.

I could do this.
We all could.

Offline hope2recover

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are u tallking about self surgery
if yes u r really crazy

Offline turningacorner

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the surgeon has cut all it's attachments and is just pulling it out under the nipple

I can't believe how easy that looks

Offline Don Won I

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I think you're trolling. If not, you're insane.

Offline hope2recover

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Offline Don Won I

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Trolling is when people get on the 'net under a gimmick/alias or purposely lie to get attention.

Offline turningacorner

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No I assure u I'm not trolling
If u have nothing useful to say then don't bother.
I was just bathing and wondered how tough it would be to cut through the skin, when it occured to me that if I could get through the skin I might be able to cut the breast tissue to shreds, and pull it out through a tiny hole.

I cut at my right breast but the skin is amazingly thick and it's very painful to cut.
the wound has healed very quickly though.

Offline Don Won I

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No I assure u I'm not trolling
If u have nothing useful to say then don't bother.

Okay, here's something useful. Don't do it. If you do, then take pics and post them here so anyone who has the same crazy thoughts can see what you've done and change their minds.

Offline headheldhigh01

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waaaaay bad idea.  surgery is a complex, precise process with a lot of cuts and sutures.  it ain't gonna just pull out for you.  assuming you survive the infection risks, you'll probably pay some ps to clean up after you, and letting him make the first cut will be much less humiliating and possibly cheaper. 

no do. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline LMC1307

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Went under the knife on 7/27/07 - Revision 5/22/08 - Great results this far.
Surgery performed by Dr. Placik M.D. F.A.C.S. in Chicago, IL

Offline omega

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omg hez insane=/ bro thts just stupid. atleast 5 out of 10 SURGEANS dont get it completly right. u think u can ?

Offline turningacorner

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I think it's possible with the right methods of stopping blood and numbing the area, a tiny hole with a 5 mm circumfrence.

cut in, once the blades r through the hole cut the breast tissue and pull it out with the hooks, back through the hole, repeat until alot has come out.

Work as cleanly as possible, there are ways of sterlising equipment and surfaces, then wait for it to heal, which should'nt be long given the tiny size of the hole.

Take antibiotics for a month incase you were stupid enough to go to the toilet and not wash your hands.

I'm not saying you will have a perfect chest but at least you can stop them protruding under clothes.

How many people are 100% satisfied with their surgery anyway.. at least you won't have paid enough to feed your family for like..2 years.

I'm sure it's possible, and if not so what? you have a small hardly noticeable scar.

Offline turningacorner

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can you give more information on the cutting under the aerola and removing the gland?

Pull it and cut it?

That is all it takes to get the gland out?

Offline seelumirun

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lol, yeah, but at least that guy was a surgeon. crazy drug addict surgeon, but a surgeon nonetheless

Offline moobiesfighter

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he's a troll.
I have seen many threads like this. Once I saw a thread that said "A doctor froze my nipples with ice cubes and simply snipped them off with scissors and my gyne was gone"

to all the gyne dude's don't believe this chump. I mean im sure he could do it, but uh he won't survive or even have the balls to cut at his skin.


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