Author Topic: Surgery tomorrow morning!  (Read 2396 times)

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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It's so relieving to know a problem I've had for a little over 10 years is gonna be finished tomorrow. I have a few questions if you guys don't mind:

1) Why is upper body physical training restricted so late after surgery? It's my understanding the muscles don't get damaged in this?

2) I absolutely abhor vicodin and was wondering if the pain is manageable without it? The last time I felt the absolute need to take vicodin was when my wisdom teeth came out. Is the pain on a similar level to this? I'm getting drains more than likely if that helps.

Thanks guys, I've been lurking here for a while and got a lot of inspiration to do this.

Offline jay adams

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Exercise is restricted because your body is healing. It needs rest so the tissue can reestablish itself. Imagine if you had sprang your ankle then the next day played soccer. You'd prob be worse off then the former day.

The pain is totally manageable without vicodin. I actually like pain so I thought it felt alright:) It's up to the individuals pain tolerance. I've had way worse hangovers.

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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3 hours or so out of surgery, things are going well. A bit sore but took some acetaminophen instead. I feel pretty good. It's a very accurate description to say it feels like a heavy chest work out.

Drains are a pain in the ass though.

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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I have school on monday, I feel great but I really wanna hide these damn drains. Any advice on a good place to put these bulbs?

Offline jimbob356

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Skip school.... Honestly! I came out of surgery on Tuesday, I tried to go the shops for an hour yesterday and I was in bad pain last night. Take a week off and rest, only get up to encourage blood flow then rest.

Hope your results are good

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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Yeah... Doc said I can shower tomorrow afternoon but I'm just wayyy too paranoid about these drains to do that I think. I got my post-op moved up to Tuesday. I'm only draining like less than 1 ml on the left side and less than 10 on the other at this point. Had some heavy purple bruises on my upper chest area visible but even those look like they're going down.

I could totally do this without pain meds but the Tylenol does make it a bit more comfortable.

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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Hey guys quick question, not really seeing it in the search....

I still have some residual bruising and I've noticed that the area around my chest is ROCK SOLID right now. Is this swelling? It's been a little under 2 weeks since my operation. I'm not worried or anything I just wanna know what this is. Thanks.

Offline Leeroy von Jenkins

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So my left side is almost 100% back to normal, but my right side is still bruised and rock solid everywhere, it looks aesthetically the same as it did preop. Most of the bruising is yellow now but there is some red.

Is this hardness normal? I'm getting kind of concerned now.

Offline jay adams

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Check with your doc. Could need to be drained.


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