Author Topic: Surgery tomorrow! Wish me luck!  (Read 2711 times)

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Hey guys i'll be having my surgery tomorrow 11 am at Newport beach. I still can't believed tomorrow is the big day for me. This is all I've wanted my whole life and I know for a fact that a new beginning is coming after I'm done with this gyno. Right now, I'm feeling really excited but anxious. It's funny 'coz everytime I take shower I stare at my chest infront of the mirror and kept asking myself If I really need to spend lots of money to get this remove. I'll be paying $6590 dollars in total which is pricey compared to other cosmetic surgeon. For me I'd rather pay huge amount of money to a surgeon I'm comfortable with than pay less to a surgeon who doesn't specialize to this kind of procedure. I'm actually more worried about recovery than the actual surgery. I'm not planning to tell my family that I'm getting a boob job done 'coz I never want this to be an issue. I'm worried about hiding the jackson pratt drains especially I'm not sure how long he's gonna leave It post op. Oh well, I'm not backing up now. Anybody here having surgery tomorrow as well?

Offline GyneGoneGuy

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Congrats on making it to the big day! I had my surgery on Mon, and will have my first look at the "results" this morning with the doc (the results are going to change a lot over the next several weeks, I imagine, so just reminding myself to stay patient and realistic). I didn't have drains put in, however, and I'm fairly lean, so I've had to put up with some swelling (especially on my left side)... nothing too bad, though. No black 'n blue action. I couldn't believe it when surgery day had finally arrived! I was too relieved and elated to be overly nervous... but man, was it ever trippy to know my gyne days were about to be behind me! Still hasn't completely sunk in. After almost twenty years with gyne, it was definitely time, and no looking back... Wish I had done it a good ten years ago, but hey, here I am! My operation was only excision of the glandular tissue (bilateral), no liposuction. I doubt you'll have the drains too long, so hang in there, the finish line is just around the corner.

It's funny, this condition has haunted me over half my life, yet I still found myself questioning how bad it looked when I came outta the shower that Mon morning, freshly shaven and nipples at full alert. It looked pretty great. But I quickly reminded myself that was the exception to the rule... I haven't seen my nipples on a regular basis since puberty, and it's going to be sooooo nice to not have to worry about unflattering shirts anymore! You're seeing Cruise, I presume? He certainly qualifies as an expert in this field, so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. I'm excited for you! Enjoy your post-op time off! I've been reading, catching up on some favorite shows of mine the past couple days, and taking lots of naps, hehe. Let us know how it goes!

Offline flatness13

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Good luck bro, wish you the best. let us know how it goes afterwards.

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Thanks yall for all the support. I just had gyno surgery today at 11am, they gave me xanax and i felt so drowzy throughout the procedure. I did it under local anesthesia because its more convenient and i hate getting put under sleep. Throughtout the procedure i felt a lot of stings, i feel like they've injected me with lots of local anesthetic coz i kept in complaining of pain. I can't even focus watching the nextflix they offered me because i was having on and off discomfort the entire procedure. When the procedures done, i just went out and rode the uber taxi without saying bye to all the staff. I couldve done that but i felt so sedated and just wants to lie down on bed.

Offline flatness13

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Good, hope you're doing well. What was the procedure, was there both gland removal and fat lipo'd?

Offline xoxoxoxo

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I only had excision. I saw those glands that they took out and it was huge like 2 burger patties. Yuck! I forgot to take a picture because i was too drowsy post op and just want to lay down on my bed. I just went to my 1st post op visit today and nurse just basically temoved the bandage on top of my binder. She said it looks very good and i do agree. It looks so flat and excited to wear plain shirts. However i still have my drains on and they'll remove it this wednesday. I just dunno if i can start working on wednesday right away after they remove the drains. Lol

Offline gynecomastiaman

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Yes i am happy for you you are saved from the gyno devil.

Offline Zenxer

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Good luck on your surgery :) I hope you get the results you're looking for!
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Thanks for the support guys.. So here's some updates. I called the office the other day and asked them about my concerns. I noticed that I've been smelling a foul odor from my incision site with some swelling on my right nipple. She told me to removed the micropore tapes covering the nipples and let them air dry for a while. So I went home,stood infront of the mirror and removed some of the tapes. I saw my left nipple with dark discoloration and very moist. I oouldn't even tell if it's my nipple or not 'coz it just looks like a plain blood clot. I was about to pass out the first time I saw my nipple. I did a research and found out the nipple necrosis might occur after surgey which really scared the hell out of me. I called their office right away but nobody was answering. It's 1:30am in the morning when I called. I ended up visiting the surgeon yesterday so he can take a look at my incision. The nurse removed all the micropore tapes covering my nipple and stated that I'm having maceration on some parts of the suture. She stated that it's because the moisture accumulated which results to foul smelling odor. I haven't removed those tapes since post op guys 'coz that's what they told me. Yesterday was also my first day to see all the sutures and was surprised that I have long horizontal cut below the nipples. Doctor said that he removed excess skin after gland removal which is necessary to prevent sagging. I wasn't mad or upset because I've seen people with bad results with only gland removal. He also said that he's not worried about my nipples and just need to put antibiotic on sutures and change gauzes everyday for 2 weeks. He also said that my nipples are healthy and not necrotic, It's just that It's macerated that's why there's some white exudate on some sides. My nipple looks deform with horizontal stitches at the bottom. It's also a little bit swollen because of the moisture accumulated. So right now that's the best thing I can do, to be patient and trust my surgeon about my healing process. Not pleased so far about results but I guess it's still too early to tell? hmmmmm

Offline flatness13

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Sounds pretty intense bro. Hopefully it's just some adversity that you'll overcome during healing process.


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