Author Topic: The Terror caused by Gynecomastia  (Read 4572 times)

Offline Alchemist

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We would have like to brake some of the tabo and bring some education to the general public,  as to what is going on just as erectile disfuction (ED) is so understood to be so common among men as they get to be older.

I think it's a great idea, but ED is a poor comparison. NOBODY other than you and your lover know about ED. Treating ED improves people's sex lives. I can't think of many things that are comparable - a female with male pattern baldness? A hirsute female - chest hair and all? Maybe if older women grew penises?(easier to hide than breasts though)

ED is a private problem, breasts on a male are not.

Obesity is a health problem, breasts on a male are not.


Hi Bummer,

You sound like an energetic and motivated man.  Why don't you start a bra company with bras designed for how men are built.  And maybe some matching his and hers models.  Then advertise in a normal way and make it everyday normal, like "In case of erections lasting more than 4 hours ..." has become completely normal.  Penis and erection  wasn't mentioned on TV not that long ago.   ED advertising has broken a huge barrier, as soon as there was a profit to be made from erections. 

Women have been complaining about clothing and bathing suits that are too revealing.  Or lack of attractive clothing in larger sizes. 

So women's clothing is often designed to make the breasts as attractive as possible or just works to clover it.  A plaid flannel shirt is the same on both men and women. 

So Bummed, what are the choices you would add to the option list?  How would you normalize the acceptance of male breasts that already exist?   I think it is already beginning to happen.  Partly I think it is because with the growing list of variations,  GLBTI that are coming out of the closet, intersex is being talked about now, and normalized as a natural occurrence that is best treated by doing nothing until the adult person can make choices to cut or not to make them fit others prejudices.  These many variations confuse people and perhaps scare them in some ways because of fear of making a mistake so they tend to just try to ignore seemingly incongruous information, like breasts on a guy or no breasts visible on what looks like a woman.  Most people really don't want to mistakenly offend others.

We were picking some really lovely irises this afternoon.  Twenty feet away on the other side of a small creek and a chain-link fence is a golf course.  While we were cutting flowers two guys were walking the fence looking for their balls.  One of them had a light cotton form fitting t-shirt with perhaps C cup breasts and the other guy somewhat smaller and the shirt.  I was in a similar t-shirt to the first guy and they smiled.  Be part of the Gynecomastia Liberation Front.  That's how to normalize it.  Do it. 

Guys with gyne are hyper-sensitized to it or ignore it.  Most of the public appears to ignore it one way or another for whatever reasons.  It's all over TV now.  Many with fat but by no means all are fat and some just a little fat. 

Why does there need to be a female equivalent?  Maybe theirs is "flat as a board".  I have met women embarrassed about not having enough breast.. Look at the augmenting business.  The business in yesteryear's ""falsies" and "gay deceivers",   Look at all the ladies getting lots of their labias cut off often because of crude remarks by boys and men.  There are likely as many labiaplasties done each year as mastectomies of men in the USA.   They Are just as desperate about their labia as some men are about their breasts and that is without the labia being always seen in most ordinary clothing.  And they are usually, but not always, not a health concern just like gynecomastia.

I will not allow somebody else to define me as inferior because of my body and I sure won't do it to myself.


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