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Up until a few months ago I never thought that a man having boobs would be helpful,but they have helped me a lot,like some of you know I have a very bad back,all my life I have had bad posture,I always walked hunched forword head facing down,just bad posture all around,my doctors all told me if I had better posture it would help my back a lot,well when my boobs started to grow and I started wearing a bra,it has helped my back a lot,now I dont do this to show off my boobs at least not intentionally but now when I walk the bra helps me to walk up straight shoulders back head held high,my wife some times jokes with me saying I know you have nice breasts but stop trying to show them off,my 34 double Ds are much nicer,I just say ha ha very funny,it just with the bra and boobs it's a constant reminder to walk straight and that helps with my back (pardon the pun) I have become very attached to my boobs I am kinda starting to like them,one day I was at the drive up window at the bank and one of the tellers was wearing this really low cut dress showing off  her boobs and to me they where not very attractive and I said to my wife after I drove away,damn did you see that girls boobs they where gross,I have much better boobs than her,then after a second I said holy sh*t I never thought in a million years I would ever say some thing like that and me and the wife got a good laugh out of see there can be some up sides to having boobs..........just remember,no one is perfect,everyone has there faults.....JOE

Offline cduub

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Dude I think your on the wrong website :( 

Offline Alchemist

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Dude I think your on the wrong website :( 

You know, Cduub, with 50-60% of men having gynacomastia in their lifetime, and over 5000 surgeries removing said breasts, most of the many millions do nothing at all and accept them, as they kinda just grow on you.  At least a few are going to end up liking them, it goes to reason. And acceptance is what most do.  There are already a variety of posts talking about such, various clothing items, bras and the like.   


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@Cduub NO I DONT THINK I AM ON THE WRONG WEB SITE,I think you may be though@ Alchemist..thanks bro!!!

Offline Alchemist

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Dude I think your on the wrong website :( 

Hi Cduub,

For many of us with say C or D or DD breast size, having removal amounts to a double mastectomy and reconstruction.  I know plenty of women who have had to have such surgery because of cancer.  I have heard of a very small number who have a double mastectomy as a prevention of genetic breast cancer.  Generally that is a sizable surgery with a whole lot that can go wrong having nothing to do with cancer at all.  I know plenty of women with lots of misery just from the surgery and tamoxifen; surgery and a chemo therapy.  They can't imagine anyone in their right mind choosing to go through this major surgery and misery as a cosmetic procedure.

When you look at the numbers 50-60% of men have gyne at some point in their life, often several times.  If 5 million men from puberty and up develop gyne each year in the USA, and the skyrocketing surgery rate is up to over 5000 per year, that is 1 in a thousand.  So however you slice it, that is 999 men who don't have a chop job for each one that does.  I know the psychological misery of gyne in jr high school.  I also know, by lots of lousy experience, how trivial that is compared to life threatening health problems and the misery of surgeries, botched or not.  So your surprise at somebody accepting having breasts doesn't seem on-key to me.  If I had been offered such surgery at the height of my misery in 8th grade I very likely would have at least strongly considered it.

By college I started hanging out with nudists and I discovered what real ill health was about and having breasts became the least of my problems.  Now 50 years later, half the men my age have breasts that somebody might want to remove.  You know I no longer give a damn what people think of my body.  It's the only one I have and it never did and never will meet the imaginary standards of beauty of our American culture, just as 99% of people don't meet those standards.  If they do, it's for a few years with a lot of make-believe and makeup, Magic Bras or sports bras.  I also discovered that the ladies either don't notice, don't care or as 50% of guys my age have such, think it is entirely normal.  With a 60% lifetime breast score I would hazard a guess that gynecomastia is far more normal than an idealized "imaginary normal" flat chest.   And here all along I thought that gynecomastia was rare and applied only to guys like me with C or D or DD cups, not the majority of breasts so small only the the body holder notices them.  I thought I was the only one back in Jr high.  Instead I now know that I was the one with the largest breasts.  But then it isn't about size.  Now around the pool or anywhere at the nudist club when looking at guys my age, half or so have gynecomastia.  Again, I still have the biggest but nobody at all cares. Not even me and they used to be the worst things in my life and now I've earned far worse.  Those were the good old days health wise.  It's good to be normal.


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I'm with Alchemists,

The cost of being normal, price of a bra or not to support theses double D's, $12-20.00.

The cost of trying to look perfect like " Ken or Barbie" OMG! I have better things to do with that money, but dude if that is what you need to do, I will support that! After all it is your life and your money so go for it! I will not judge you for cutting off your parts if you do not judge us for not cutting off ours?


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