Author Topic: Right side sucked in, left side puffy, 3-4 months post op. PICS!  (Read 3410 times)

Offline giordin

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Okie dokie, I had the surgery done and got all psyched for it. Afterwards it was cool, looked great. However I have noticed that the right nipple is "sucked in" and you can clearly see the incision mark still, (Which seems to be *on* the areola vs under it?) Also, for about two months after surgery, I was able to literally "open" the incision and see inside of my nipple, a little flaky? And the left side is still puffy I am assuming due to somatic fluid buildup, however I am hoping it isn't glandular tissue left behind, if so that would be a ridiculous amount and I would seriously be pissed if that were the case. I would like to get a few other doctors' opinions. Yeah it's nice to walk around flat chested (aside from the left part of the chest), however I WOULD like to be able to take my shirt of eventually. It's just funny how you can do as much as possible in life to make the best/most educated decision and it always has some sort of complication, welcome to my life. Hah.

Right side, with incision that's "sucked in", that has taken a WHILE to heal and could literally be "opened" for a few months after surgery.

Left Side, which is still "puffy" and is suffering from hyper-pigmentation, which I believe is normal. (the hyper-pigmentation)

About two weeks post op


Offline gyneco_1001

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Offline giordin

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I am going to keep my surgeon anonymous until I feel I am complete with the healing process, I don't want to pre-judge my results and/or the skill of the surgeon. It wasn't Dr.Delgado, as we all know he seems to be one of the best. So no worries there.

Offline gyneco_1001

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What exactly did you have done.. (only puffy nipples?)? Some pre-op pics might help... however you should wait at least till the 6-8 month mark before being critical of your result... your scars are still healing (which is very clear from the pics) and it's really difficult to tell how the final result will end up looking like... also you can expect the area behind ur nipples to "fill up" more evenly over the next few months.

Offline giordin

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Oh sorry, no I had a mild case of gynecomastia, I've been looking for the pre-op pics, however I can't find them. Honestly just saying that the scars are still healing shines a LOT of light on the subject, as I stated I think I am psyching myself out and am not giving myself enough time. I would like to discuss it though and just see others peoples/doctors opinions of how things are looking for me. Thank you for your input, every little bit helps!


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