Author Topic: a weird feeling  (Read 2807 times)

Offline unknownman

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I was just thinking back to earlier this month when I called my ps office for the consultation and his secretary answerd the phone she asked what was the reason for the call and for the first time in my life I actually talked to someone about my chest vocally when normally I would avoid talking about it and try and pretend nothing was wrong with it and it was the first time I actually said the dreaded word gynecomastia to anyone offline too I just felt awkward thinking back on it anyone else can relate to this?

Offline outertrial

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Yeah, times about a million. It was an enormous relief when I did though.

Offline ForexFreak

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yeah it's awkward but honestly im very open about it ... with friends and family
some people even got mad about me having the surgery cuz they saw no problem and as for guys that i know that have it ... i keep my mouth shut cuz then that'd be HELLA awkward lol  ;)

Offline gyne35

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Yep, been there - I actually wrote this in my "diary" a couple of weeks ago, but it seems fitting to post here:
Wow –

Finally made a call to set up a preliminary consultation today.  Wasn’t prepared for the backlash of emotions after the call.  (I’ll leave out the doctor name for right now to see if I decide to firm things up with this PS or search for another)

First of all – I called the office and mentioned I had seen the doctors web page and would like to get some more info on the “gyne…..gynemast….gyneco….[the receptionist finishes my sentence] ….gynecomastia procedure?”   “Yes, that’s it” I respond

It suddenly dawns on me that even after living with this for 20 years and discovering the name for my condition and the forum a couple of years ago, putting it off for a little bit, getting back on the forums and deciding to go ahead with the plans, I’ve never actually said the word aloud.  My lips and tongue just weren’t ready for all those syllables at once!

The next thing is that I once I hung up the phone, a rush of emotion hit.  I just sat at my desk for a minute and shook my head…it took me 35-1/2 years to make that call.  At first I was bummed out.  Then I started to reason a little…OK, gyne didn’t really start to bother me until the age of 13-14.  I was taken to the doctor (general MD) and given a clean bill of health.  So barring a second opinion, there wasn’t much I could do at 14.

18 years old might have been a different story, but that was pretty much pre-internet time and without just walking in to a plastic surgeon or doctors office and asking “can you cut these off?”  I don’t know that there was a lot that could be done.  Strangely enough, Kansas really isn’t a hot-bed of plastic surgery, either.

I was pretty much a slave to technology waiting for it to advance and help my cause.  My earliest recollection of “the internet” was helping a buddy download some porn pics in late 1994.  It wasn’t until that fateful Friday night in 1998 that I fired up my massive 333MHz computer, plugged in the 56K modem and turned on my very own 14” window to the world for the first time.  Why it took me almost 7 years to type in the search phrase “male breast reduction surgery” I do not know.

OK – now I feel much better – maybe I should only be kicking myself for not doing this almost 10 years ago!  Anyway, off to take some boob photos and send off my preliminary consultation email.  We’ll see how it goes.

Offline unknownman

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  • My war against gyne ends 10/8/07
yea gyne35 I was actually googling chest exercises and  this site came up and ever since then I have been coming here at least once (everyday in 2007)


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