Author Topic: What should I do, Gyn is on one side and mild  (Read 2816 times)

Offline lpcut00

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   I am lost. I have tried Andactrim, and I am now trying out a fat burner called Yohimibrin. I have somewhat of large arealoas as well. The side that has gyn has more fat that sags along with that hard thing inside (gland I think). Other side is normal, except the areola is not really small, but I think the size of my areaolas are genetic, since there is only one side which is not infected wit gyn and it is still not small.
  should I save up and get surgery? Or what do I do?
doctor will laugh if he sees how mild my gyn is though, but to me it is not mild what soever, when i touch my infected area the fat just rolls down where as the other there is no fat to rol down.

Offline Daveo

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I also had one sided gyne, though it wasn't mild...maybe it was mild compared to others.  I'd say get it done.

I still haven't been able to decide which is worse, two sided gyne, or one sided.  It's a toss up I think.  I think the one sided is a lot more weird to look at, whereas with the two sided people think that you're overweight.

Post some pictures

Offline vaio

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Post some pictures so we can see.

If its bothering you, do something about it.
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Offline Paa_Paw

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Having one breast somewhat larger than the other is common in both men and women.

Whether you need to take remedial action depends on the degree of inequality of size.

I'd be surprised if fat loss alone balanced things out.  Surgery would probably be the only way to equalize.  Keep in mind that you just were told that by an old man who does not normally recommend surgery.

If you are in your mid teens, The situation could resolve on its own, but you did not give your age so I don't know how much that may impact your situation.

Probably time to check wit a Doctor.

Good Luck.
Grandpa Dan

Offline lpcut00

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Sorry guys... no digital camera or else that would have been the first thing I woudl have posted. I am 19 years old by the way.... I guess Ill just have to get surgery

Offline tnel00son

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Offline jc71

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Ipcut00 -

"more fat that sags along with the hard thing inside"

If we're talking about the same product (Yohimburn) I don't think they make any claim to help reduce or eliminate glandular tissue.  But they do say that if you use their "fat burning gel" on fatty tissue, you'll see good results.  

Keep us updated on how it works. Good luck.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2005, 05:19:46 PM by jc71 »


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