Author Topic: Working out and Gyne Surgery  (Read 2225 times)

Offline Badwire

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but I am not able to have surgery for about a year atleast.

In the mean time I would really like to build up some muscle. Will having a lot of pectoral muscle make surgery any more or less difficult or feasible to remove my gyne?

Offline Mr_Nip

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From what I have read you'll have a better surgery if you've been working out and getting in shape.  Just keep in mind that working out will not necessarily improve the appearance of gyne.  

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Offline Seal

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It should help with the loose skin afterwards.

Offline Bradley07

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being fit and healthy is better for ANY type of surgery. and 1 of the docs here did post a message saying that the surgery would look better if the person already had good definition in his pecs. but if you have bad gyne then building muscle there may cause the tissue to stick out more making your gyne look worse. so wear baggy clothes!


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I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but I am not able to have surgery for about a year atleast.

In the mean time I would really like to build up some muscle. Will having a lot of pectoral muscle make surgery any more or less difficult or feasible to remove my gyne?

It does not take much to disturb the cut look of someone with a low body fat % such as a bodybuilder and I have sculpted many.  Bodybuilding can help with fat and muscles, but will not help with gland and you cannot pick where the fat comes from.  My bodybuilding patients typically tell me that what is on top of the muscle gets pushed out further in making bigger muscles.  

You can find some examples of pictures before and after gynecomastia surgery

Here - Gyno and BodyBuilding

Puffy Nipples and Bodybuilding

Here - Gynecomastia and BodyBuilding

Here - Gynecomastia Treatment


Here - Gynecomastia BodyBuilding.

I would suggest looking beyond each link's first page at all of the views for each patient to better understand the difference in the look before / after surgery.  There are other examples of lean patients, but thought this would be a good start.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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