Author Topic: My experience with Dr Clark (--)  (Read 3332 times)

Offline BeardyBeards

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After reading various posts on, I weighed options whether to carry out my booking with a surgeon in the UK or aboard. Whilst browsing the forum, I came across patient reviews of Dr K. Ostrowska-Clark; people were happy with the results post-op and the overall cost. Therefore, I delved into her and found out there was only one person with a bad review of the aforementioned Dr and within that thread, Jeremy, who deals with communication via email (and is the husband of Dr KO), said the patient in question can get a free correction if they want to, which I found most assuring. Now I want to specify that complications do happen, which are not apparent until the healing has advanced (6 months to a year) and at the time of writing this I am still pre-op and hope if there are any complications that they will be rectified in the most professional manner. So after learning all this, I emailed Jeremy and asked him about the proceedure and specified that I wanted a 'flat chest', to which he assured me that a 'flat chest was almost guaranteed'. I know nothing in this world is guaranteed so I presumed he was just trying to make the sell, which he did but I digress. So in the first email he stated the sequence of events, that I'd need to stay in Poland for x amount of days and the cost of everything. I was happy with everything, so after a few more emails of questions and pictures I gave a deposit and booked my flights. Jermery said I could either pay before I come via bank transfer or carry the money with me and pay there. Since I'm not comfortable carrying so much money round I opted to pay for everything (hotel, taxi and op) via bank transfer.

Day One (Saturday)

So I arrive at Stansted airport and it is absolutely packed out, luckily I had baggage so I didn't have to wait in for the gate to open for too long, I just took a book to past the time I almost missed the gate due to being so engrossed in reading, so after the mini heart attack, I ran to the gate and people were still in the queue, thankfully. The flight was pretty standard, nothing to report there.
On arrival, I got off the plane and make my way through border control (I think thats what it's called), wait for my baggage and head through the exit; you can't really get lost there. Baggage is straight in front when you walk out of border control and the exit is to your right. There I saw a man standing with my name on a sheet of paper, by the book as Jeremy said in his emails, so I let him know that I am he who has the name which is written on his paper. Then he directs me to the car, and nice E Class Mercedes, to which I thought to myself, 'Thank God' thinking about the comfy seats, which is a welcome thought after that flight. So we sit in and he asks do I want to pay in euro or polish currency and I say I have already paid Jeremy for this service to which he disagrees and me not wanting to deal with the hassle so I pay him and off we go. Which reminds me, I have to email Jeremy to ask whats going on, he should give me a refund. The journey takes about 40-50 minutes dependant on traffic.
So we arrive at the hotel, and I bid my farewell to the taxi guy and make my way in the hotel. I get my key from the desk and go up and crash straight away. I wake up about half 5, get ready and go down the restaurant for dinner. I had the Tomato Soup (i looooove soup) and a Veg Pizza, which was very nice indeed. I come up to the room and watch some Downton Abbey. Now I'm sitting down writing this whilst running a bath. And that concludes day 1.

Day Two (Sunday)

I woke up at 1030 so I missed breakfast :( Wheh. I had a shower and got ready and explore red for a shop to get some munchies, I figured I don't need to eat sensibly so I had some nesquik and crisps for breakfast. I watched some more Downton Abbey.I don't expect to do anything major today except for eat loads as I'm not allowed to eat after midnight due to my bloodtests and op tomorrow… I think its time to play League of Legends before thinking to eat some more..

Day Three (Monday/Tuesday OPERATION DAY WOO)

I think I'm rambling too much, so I'll try to keep it short and sweet from here.
I was not allowed to eat anything from midnight up until I've had my blood tests. I woke up at 0800, have a shower and get ready. About 1000 I got a call from the reception to say the taxi was here. The taxi guy was different to the guy who brought me from the airport to the hotel, this guy was absolutely hilarious, his name is Tomek, what a guy! So he took me to the blood test clinic which isn't the clinic I'd be having the operation in. Tomek sorts everything out, so literally we come in wait a few minutes while he talks to the receptionist and go straight through.
The nurse couldn't find any veins on the arms she wanted to take the blood out of, so I offered my other arm where the veins were more apparent. She took about 5/6 vials of blood and at the last vial I think I started to run out of blood (doubtful but exciting nonetheless) so she had to entice the rest of the blood out that vein by shaking the vial.
After this Tomek said I could eat up until noon and took me back to the hotel. I didn't want to eat much because I thought the anestethic would have a greater effect if I didn't.
About 1430 Tomek came to pick me up for the operation. I came down to the hotel lobby and there was Tomek and another dude waiting with him, Jamie, who, to my surprise, was also from the UK. So we have a little banter on the way to clinic feeling anxious as ever.
At the clinic we meet the nurses :) and meet Dr KO. We sit down in her office as she explains whats going to happen, the good, the bad and the ugly haha, however it's fairly standard proceedure, as with all operations there are risks involved. We go over the blood tests and it Jamies is okay, however when we get to mine she says my testosterone is 5 times the normal level, she asks me when the last time I've taken anything like steroids to which I swear that i've never taken anything like that ever. Then she suggests it may be the protein shake and the last time I had a shake was about 5 days prior - I need some clarification on this so if anyone knows about secret crap put in protein shakes please lemme know.
Due to my testosterone levels, Jamie goes first while she lets the anesthilogist ponder over whether they want to put my under due to my test levels. So I sit waiting on my hospital bed for them to finish up on Jamie, dreading being cut open awake in dire need of something to take my mind of the topic… so I watch a little more of Downton Abbey :) it worked!
When Jamie is finished, the nurses wheel him through to his hospital bed and he reassures me that everything is cool, no organs and he couldn't feel a thing.
Dr KO tells me that I will be put under.. Yay! so I go into the theatre room and lie on the bed. The anastesologist cleans my arm to put the IV in and he adds "This will be painful" - I'm astonished how blunt he was. It did hurt a little but nothing major. I remember that felt a little drowsy after about a minute so if I was drunk. They said no. So I asked if I was given anything. They said yes. To which I remember saying 'Ahhhh'. Thats all I can remember.
Then I recall being the the room with the beds and the nurses trying to get me up. I told them "No, I can do it on my own", and thats it. Then I woke up and Jamie told me, I came in to the room said I can get on the bed on my own, got up and stood/jumping on the bed and the nurses were just giggling and I told them to grab my coat where I had a little post it note with polish phrases and slurred a few phrases made everyone laugh and I got in bed.

Throughout the night, the nurse checked our drains, replaced them, gave us pain killers, antibiotics and food certain times - nothing out the ordinary. So I took that time to get to know Jamie, proper cool guy n all. Time does drag a little because you're doing nothing  just lying down on your back and it gets a bit tedious.
In the morning around noon time, Dr KO took our dresses off and we had a chance to look at our chest. It looked really good, no more perky boobies… wooooohooo!! haha. She gave us a prescription for pain killers, antibiotics and some cream. Also instructions to take it easy and just lie down.
Tomek drops us back to the hotel and I meet my friend who came to check if I was okay (I have pretty cool mates!). I filled him in about how everything went. We ordered room service and ate.
About 2000 my friend was having trouble breathing and he forgot his asthma inhaler at home. So, even though I was in pain, I took him out for a stroll so he could get some fresh air. When that didn't help much, I took him to a few chemists, and apparently you need a prescription for an inhaler. So we went hobbling back to the hotel and asked the reception where the nearest Dr surgery was. and got a taxi there. The Drs weren't much help, they said we needed to go the hospital and pay a £200 bill just to be seen as we're not polish citizens. We thought eff that and my mate took some allergy tablets and some Sudafed to help open his airwaves. And IT WORKED WOO!!! So after more than enough excitement for one evening, we turned in for the night.

Day Five (Wednesday)

Tomek arrived at 1230 to take us for a check up visit.
Dr KO said I'm healing up really good, however my nipple may blister but that’s nothing to be worried about. She taught us how to apply the cream and do the dressings. Not much more to report on that front. Jamie got dropped off at the hotel and we stayed in. There, Tomek picked up another guy Rich who was also from the UK just going for the operation. I reassured him about the Dr and he'll be all right and not to worry too much.
My mate and I went to the shopping centre to have a look what’s around and have a bite to eat. It's was all pretty decorated for Xmas. On the way back we hailed for a taxi, as it was a bit too much for me to walk even though it was about 15-20 minutes walk.

Day Six (Thursday)  

We had another check up at the same time as the day before. Dr KO was happy with everything and discharged us so we didn't need to come in again, which was lucky for Jamie as he was going home the next day. At the clinic we met up with Rich who was post-op at that time. He seemed more mobile than Jamie or I. Therefore; I got a bit of abuse from my mate who thinks I was just milking it for sympathy, haha. I think post-op pain in direct correlation how much liposuction is performed. Rich was almost a pro bodybuilder so he had a really low BF%.
After the clinic we all went back to the hotel to drop Rich off and Jamie, my mate and I thought we should go for a walk. So we went for a walk to another shopping centre, had a bite to eat and checked the shops out. I thought Poland would be cheaper by a big margin but no; it was about 10% cheaper than UK in most the shops like Zara, Adidas etc.
That evening we all got together and have some dinner in the restaurant, then we went back to my room and just chilled out.

Day Seven (Friday)

I woke up had a shower, knocked on Jamies' door and said my goodbyes.
Woke everyone up later on and went to the clinic with Rich so he had someone to banter and went for a long walk in the after noon to the shopping centre to show Rich around then to the sea front and back again, which absolutely knackered me out. I was dead by that time. We got to the shopping centre, so we watched a film 'Hunger Games 2', was pretty disappointed by the ending, however I shan't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Seeing as it was my last day, we planned to go out to eat and go to the local casino in the evening. I had a few drinks nothing too strong. I was kinda apprehensive, as I didn't know if it was a good idea. haha You guys know how it is, after one you can easily have another then so forth.

That’s it really. Sorry about the length, spelling. etc. No doubt I'm sure ill get corrected.

**tl;dr: Went to Poland and cut my tithes off**

Offline puffynipplesdrivemecrazy

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Hello mate,

Havent had time to read your post yet but your images link doesn't work?


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