Author Topic: Dr. Clark or Dr. Kalecinski/Noa  (Read 3823 times)

Offline claude1980

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Hello all!

After years of waiting, I've decided to go through with gyne surgery this Autumn, in Poland (I'm from the UK). I think I will need excision and lipo, although I can't be sure since it's hard to tell what I'm looking for when trying to determine if there is glandular tissue or fat (I suspect there is substantial glandular tissue, considering it developed around 13-14 years old and has persisted regardless of weight changes).

Having read a lot on here and elsewhere, both Dr. Clark and Dr. Kalecinski in Poland seem totally capable and skilled at the process, and both cost roughly the same, have similar procedures, etc. So, given that, any input on who might be best?

Also, i have somewhat low testosterone (13 nmol/l with a ref range of 11-32), but am not wanting to undergo t replacement therapy at this point, although I might in the future (no real symptoms now, other than difficulty losing stubborn fat, but I am more interested in tackling that problem in the gym and the kitchen instead of with a lifelong therapy of injections or gels). How will this potentially impact my surgery?

For reference, I am 34 years old, 6'.5", and around 86kg, in decent shape and working out to lose another 8kg or so and add some muscle.

Offline Sports Brah

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Potential TRT in the future won't impact your surgery, at least the kind of mild stuff you'd get officially - there will always be a small risk of gyno returning if your mess around with anabolics though, although in practice it's easy to treat for them with more drugs/PCT when it's starting to form, v.s. fully formed gyno that's been with you for years. At 34 you'll still be able to bump your natural levels up with resistance training (although bare in mind dieting will always impact hormonal levels). You won't build much/any muscle on a caloric deficit unless you're new to training, back from a long lay-off or extremely overweight, but it no doubt makes their job easier if there's less fat in the area where the gland tissue is.

I went with the Noa Clinic primarily because logistically it seemed less hassle - get on a plane from Stanstead, get off plane, get picked up by a taxi and a 10-15min drive and stay at a hotel 10mins walk from the clinic - going with Dr. Clark seems like it typically involves more travelling. Also Wroclaw seemed like a nicer city to visit, although this was a secondary concern. Noa Clinic also has the Facebook group and a lot more people (90% women though) going for rhino/boob jobs/tummy tucks so I was able to ask questions, see if anyone else was around when I was to socialise etc. As you say, there doesn't seem to be much in it so that kind of thing was important for me.


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