Author Topic: New to Site and needing advice  (Read 1587 times)

Offline SpartanCQC

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Hi all.  I'm new to the website and am looking for a little bit of advice to keep myself from going crazy.  I had gone through HRT from 2001 to 2007 to be a female and had gained quite a bit in breast tissue to fill out a 36C.  In 2009 I had  surgery to remove the tissue so that I would appear somewhat normal as a guy.  I had a great surgeon, but felt that he took a bit much as  my nipples had sunk, at least around the areola.  So I started to work out aggressively and took supplements to regrow some muscle and hopefully a little tissue.  Now several years later, I fill out a 38B and have noticed that my nipples feel really odd at times.  Sometimes they tingle and other times they just plain ol hurt.  Is it possible to get gyno all over again from exercise and good eating (Healthy eating).  I'm 164, 5'10" and a marathon runner.  Is this a common symptom from  my previous surgery or is it something new that I am experiencing?

Offline Slamberton1

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There's some other posts on this site about getting gyno again later in life. Your hormones might be causing it again or if breast tissue was left from your last surgery that might have regrown.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I have been on the site for over a decade and I have never encountered your problem before. I seriously doubt if anyone here can give you a satisfactory answer.
Usually when breast growth is caused by medications, the growth ceases when the medications are stopped.  There is a bit of a delays response, but the growth slows and finally stops.  Actual regrowth or renewed growth is something that is very difficult for me to understand or accept unless the hormone levels have failed to normalize when the interfering drugs were stopped.
I think you best bet would be to talk to an Endocrinologist.
Grandpa Dan


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