Author Topic: COMING OUT THE SHIRT? OR NOT?  (Read 5587 times)

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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         This question is for single guy's out there or for those who do a little extra on the side ;D. I just recently got out of a long term relationship(8 years)and know I am getting back into the swang of things. I am going to smash(have sex) this new girl at work any day know. Therefore, my question is; When you'll meet a girl for the first time do you'll leave the shirt on or take it off? I feel if I take the shirt off she is going to ask a sh@t load of questions nd mess up the smashing groove. On the other hand, if I leave the shirt on she is going to get suspicious to the fact that I am not in the nude :-/. Get back to me fellows.

 Ps; The way things have been going lately with her, it seems that I may only have a couple of days to decide my faith.

  I-H-G, Hal-la
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 07:34:56 AM by I_Hate_gyno »
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I think these type of questions should be left to some other board.  This site is to inform and to help others in dealing with gynecomastia.  Not answering questions about something which is irrelevant.

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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 That is your opinion SKKKy >:(. To better inform you homeboy, this borad is for general gyno qustions and who the hell are you to decide what questions are relevant. I think from this day forward you should keep your negtive judgements to yourself or better yet don't respode to posts that you can't answer. Get the picture. :-* ;)


« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 08:02:33 AM by I_Hate_gyno »

Offline rcbrown23

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Dude...take the shirt off, definitley. Not sure how bad your case is, but I think leaving it on shows a big lack of self confidence, and that right there is a major turn-off for the women. I guess I'm lucky that my case is pretty mild, but it still comes up in my head when the "smashing" is around the corner. ;) The only comment I've had is a girl telling me I should get my nipples peirced, to which I laughed and continued "smashing".

I say suck it up, say fukk'it, and go for it.  8)

I love the use of the's great...smashing, gees. :D

Offline brother_gyne

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RC is right a lot depends on how much you got. I used fret about this one all the time. if you can hide it and its short term then I would. However I remember things used to happen as they will- you cannot control everything in the heat of the moment and so on. Now I wish I had just got on with it

Just enjoy it while you can.  

Offline aux513s

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Have you considered the fact that since she's your co-worker, if she finds out about your problem she's going to tell all your other co-workers?

Offline rcbrown23

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Have you considered the fact that since she's your co-worker, if she finds out about your problem she's going to tell all your other co-workers?

Talk about raining on the parade. :-/

Offline aux513s

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Well, I just think it's an important thing to consider in this situation.

I've seen so many posts where guys have a bad experience with a girl finding out, but they're always like "luckily I didn't know her that well and I just didn't call her anymore".

He's not going to be able to do that here.

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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       Sorry it took so long to answers back guys. My case isn't mild at all, but I can hide them really easily by wearing a T-shirt or a wife-beater(if she don't touch :-/). If I didn't work with her, I would not be thinking twice about doing this. The fact that she can tell her friends at work, what she saw me sportting the night before freaks the sh*t out of me. The only thing postive is that she is moving to Texas A&M(hour away) for college in three month. I guess to add to my other question is it worth it? Should I risk the chance of leaking my problem out at work? Having to think twice about having sex really sucks. I am going to start a gyno fund and start collecting from my family members and friends. ;D

Ps, Thanks guys for giving your input.
               I-H-G, Hal-la
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 06:08:34 PM by I_Hate_gyno »


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Take off the shirt.

If she wants to play with them then let her.  Many girls like to play with a mans nipples & find them stimulating.

I never had girl any flee in panic, they either ignored them or played with them.

Try it, you will like it.

Good luck,

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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   I have decide to do the dam thing. I am not going to let gyno stop me from living my life at all. If she tells anyone at work, I will just say she is a little crazy in head. Or she was just a little bitter, because I won't allow her to spent the night ;). Thank Gine2D you and the others helped me with my decision.

Ps, I going to smash, I going to smash. ;D


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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That is your opinion SKKKy >:(. To better inform you homeboy, this borad is for general gyno qustions and who the hell are you to decide what questions are relevant. I think from this day forward you should keep your negtive judgements to yourself or better yet don't respode to posts that you can't answer. Get the picture. :-* ;)



To quote Frank Barrone, 'Holy Crap'! Don't be so harsh there Dude....  Sky is just new to the boards. Lighten up....

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I think these type of questions should be left to some other board.  This site is to inform and to help others in dealing with gynecomastia.  Not answering questions about something which is irrelevant.


Frankly, the issue of taking your shirt off during fornication for those who have Gyne is valid. IMO, I-H-G brought up a relevant issue.

Call me a wussy, non confident what have you, but I never took off my T-shirt while doing the 'wild thang'. As my moobs were quite large, I just couldn't bare the thought of having them bouncing around in my partners face.  :-[ :-/ :-[


Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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  I am going to wear my wife-beater, so she can feel my muscular arms ;D. I guess I was a little hard on shy :-/.

Thanks bambu for your post.


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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 I am going to wear my wife-beater, so she can feel my muscular arms ;D. I guess I was a little hard on shy :-/.

Thanks bambu for your post.


;D  No probs my man!  ;D


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