Author Topic: Gland or muscle?  (Read 7128 times)

Offline mihill52

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Hi, I'm a 31 y/0 old male and I don't know what my next step should be. I've always had a slight enlarged chest but it never hampered me when I was younger. I surfed played sports you name it. However I always had this addiction to bench pressing. When I was 22 me and a buddy benched for seven months straight. At the end of this I was benching aroung 300 lb which is a lot for me since I only weigh 175 lb. A month after I stopped everything seemed to sag down on my chest. I had a lot of mass on my lower chest and known on top.  After that I couldn't hide the problem with shirts, button shirts, even jackets. Since then,  I don't have to go into details, my life has foscused around this problem which really sux. No more beach or outside activities. Just a lot of home time watching TV. I had a daughter a year ago. And what botheres me is when the day comes when she'll know that daddy is a little screwed up.  
  I did have a lipo surgery 4 years ago, but really didn't do anything. The fat that was lipoed out really wasn't causing the problem.  My nipples are not puffy anymore but the mass still remains. When I flex its rock hard. Sometimes I think I don't have a gyne problem but have an odd shaped chest muscle. I'm running out of ideas to fix this problem any advice would be appreciated


Offline STILLgotIT

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hey bro, do you feel gland tissue underneath the areola (nipple) areas? if you have glandular gyne you will notice a "button" type of growth that can usually be moved around with your fingers.

If not, and it isn't fat, then I would say it is muscle. It would be easier to tell if you were to lean up a bit.

I'd have to say that the reason your pecs are as big as they are is because you have developed them so much.


Offline vaio

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Its hard to tell. It looks like muscle. I have a big chest like yours. I can bench over twice my own body weight.

Its looks like its mostly fat if even that. From the side pics, I cannot see any gynecomastia. Your areola/nipple region is flat.

I would try dieting and cardio. If it still bothers you, a lipo only procedure should easily make the area flatter.
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Offline Spleen

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You look perfectly normal.  I'd even say you look better than normal since you're in good shape.  Nothing to worry about at all.  Enjoy the beach.

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Ya look great, dont question glands. If at all, glands enhance your manly chest bulk.
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Offline jc71

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looks like fatty gyne to me. you probably look better with the shirt off than with a t-shirt on. when you walk, does your chest bounce a lot.  probably fat.  when standing still it looks fine, but when you walk i bet it bounces a lot. cardio and diet will help, but that type of gyne fat can only, yes I said only be removed by lipo.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I would have to say.... yes, you have gyne. The pecs sit fairly high on the chest and most of your mass sits much lower than your pecs. It's a tough call though. Go see a PS to find out for sure...

« Last Edit: April 21, 2005, 06:13:44 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline runner101

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I'm actually mihill52 lost my password.  Thanks for the advice. I went to a PS and he told me that most of the lower mass was muscle. he said there is some small amount of fat on the left side that could be taken out by lipo, but said the change wouldn't be much. He said the only thing to do was a muscle reconstruction surgery which he would not recommend. I'm screwed. So I read some articles on losing muscle mass. Mainly diet, cut out protein intake, and cardio 4 to 5 times a week for 20-30min. So I've been doing it for two weeks now. Run three miles every other day, and cut out all meat intake. I hope this works. Any advice on losing muscle mass would be appreciated thanks.

Offline Spleen

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I'm actually mihill52 lost my password.  Thanks for the advice. I went to a PS and he told me that most of the lower mass was muscle. he said there is some small amount of fat on the left side that could be taken out by lipo, but said the change wouldn't be much. He said the only thing to do was a muscle reconstruction surgery which he would not recommend. I'm screwed. So I read some articles on losing muscle mass. Mainly diet, cut out protein intake, and cardio 4 to 5 times a week for 20-30min. So I've been doing it for two weeks now. Run three miles every other day, and cut out all meat intake. I hope this works. Any advice on losing muscle mass would be appreciated thanks.

I'm a little mystified too.  You have a solid muscular chest and the problem is what exactly?  If you want to get skinny distance running and lo-protein is the way to go, but to what end?  Your body type is your body type and I think you'd still have prominent pecs.  You're in good shape, man.  Don't go psycho on us.

Offline ss14

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Yeah dude you look all right.  When your pecs are that large, any small amount of fat is going to be magnified.  I think I know what you're thinking because I have a similar problem.  You're thinking that people will see your pecs, and just because they are shrouded in a tiny bit of fat, that they'll conclude that the entire mass behind that fat is breast.  I don't really think this is true; I think they'll just see a guy who has worked a little less on his cardio than his chest.  And a guy who has worked on his chest a hell of a lot more than most people.  Nothing wrong with that.

I think most people would be satisfied with your look, but you obviously have higher standards.  Nothing wrong with that, either, provided you don't do something stupid like starve yourself or try to perform surgery on yourself.  

Offline anonguy

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Hard to tell.  You look a lot like I did.  When I was 30 I could bench 300lbs as well.  My chest was large and similar to yours but I had the added problem of large puffy aereolas.  

I had the surgery last year and my chest looks a lot flater now.  I had thought a lot of my chest size was muscle but in fact there was a lot of fat in it.  I havent worked out regularly in years and I probably can only bench about 200lbs now but I'm  still surprised how much smaller my chest is.

If it really bothers you it might be worth your while to get a second opinion.  You have a large chest but it is still seems well defined, if I didn't lose so much size on my chest with surgery I would suspect it's all muscle, but after my experience i'm not so sure.

Offline tonysoprano

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Whilst there are tons of guys in gyms everywhere working there areses off to get the kind of chest that you have, I can understand that you'd maybe prefer to see yourself with a chest that is somewhat "flatter" or less of a prominent bodily feature.
... and the saga continues

Offline P1mp

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do more incline bench presses to lift the look of your chest... your chest is normal looking to me aka no gyne


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