Author Topic: tense and fibrous 2 weeks after surgery  (Read 2094 times)

Offline spaceace

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I had excision and lipo almost 2 weeks ago.  Most of the area that was lipoed seems very tense and fibrous or tough when touched.  Is this normal?  Will this go away with time?  If so, how long will it take?

Offline binap

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What Mikenyc said. I am about 20 days post-op and the region where lipo and excision was done has scar tissue that has filled in the spaces where tissue was removed. This scar tissue will go away over time. Once the area is not so tender you will be able to massage the scar tissue, which is supposed to help make it go away faster. Do some keyword searches on the forums to read more about massaging. Congratulations and good healing.



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