Author Topic: Chest Wall fat or Gland?  (Read 4231 times)

Offline mizuno

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It is hard to determine if it is chest wall fat or gland causing my gyno.

Here is a few links from Dr. Bermant's website:

This one shows massive gland only. But, this patient looks fairly fit; I sometimes think this is my case.

This one shows a very small amount of gland and mostly fat. That was lipoed out. Sometime I think this is mine.

My question is if it is mainly fat how can gland removal and lipo prevent future occurance. I have read on this site that once they remove fat it is hard for it to store back.
I don't know if I buy that and that cause me a grat deal of worry thinking that the fat will go back to the place it knows best "your chest".

If it is mainly gland I think I would perfer that cause once it is removed it will not come back. If your homorone levels are good and that you have no medical conditoons.

Which is better to have ?

Offline mizuno

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Offline J03L

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If it's mainly fat or fat only, if you get lipo, it will be really hard for you to get the same size again. If it's mainly gland it won't go back, unless what caused it is a hormone problem, or unless you start using steroids or marijuana or any drugs that can cause gyne.

There's no "a better to have" gyne, cause both of them, fat only, gland only or both mixed, are HELL for the sufferer. Anyways, both of them requiere surgery.

Offline manic91m9

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sounds to me like you don't understand liposuction, you have a limited number of fat cells in your body these fat cells can be very large or very small. when you have liposuction they are removing fat cells, they do not take all of your fat cells meaning that those leftover cells can get larger. your body can not make new fat cells however. therefore if you do  not gain weight overall you will not re-grow fat in your chest. if you do gain weight then you will gain weight on your chest but probably not nearly as much as in other areas that you store fat.

if the gland you have has not changed in size in over 3 years its generally considered that it is unlikely for new gland to grow.

Offline mizuno

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This was something I found on the internet -(There are two exceptions: the body might produce more fat cells if an adult gains a significant amount of weight or has liposuction performed.) I understand your point. But, I just need to some more research to fully grasp the concept.

Offline mizuno

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When the fat was stored on the chest was that during the puberty phase?

My chest is real soft and flabby now. I wonder if I should start doing push ups again ?
But, I don't to make it worse. My chest was some what solid back when I use to do push ups ( around 150 a day x 4 to 5 times a week).

Offline manic91m9

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nobody on this board can tell you how push ups will effect YOUR body after all we are all different. if you liked your chest better when you did pushups then do pushups.. what have you got to lose by trying?

Offline snuffy

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You asked about pushups.  Think about the anatomy of your chest wall.  You have your ribs, then your pectoral muscle and then a mammary gland, a layer of fat, and then your skin.  EVERYONE has this same anatomy, even the most ripped male models.  When you have gyno the only difference is that your glands and/or fat layer are larger.  If you do push ups you increase the size of your pec muscles.  If you have an enlarged mammary gland due to gyno or an excessive fat layer or a combination of the two,  those will be pushed out by your newly muscular pec , and your gyno will look worse.  The point is that exercise and proper dieting will never get rid of enlarged glands; only surgery will.  I spent many years learning this cold hard fact.  I exercised hard and ate well and I was ripped everywhere except for my chest.  Actually, I would put in all that hard work and then be depressed because I couldn't take my shirt off at the beach because my chest looked so bad.  Then I would stop exercising because what was the point.  My advice to you is to go to a qualified plastic surgeon and if you've got a gland problem spend the money and have them removed.  It's well worth it.  My surgery didn't hurt at all, my scars healed up well and are unnoticable, and I'm only sorry I didn't have it done sooner.


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