Author Topic: Finally - surgery approaches!  (Read 2221 times)

Offline theblues

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So I saw the doctor today, says he had a cancellation and I could go under the knife on the 21st December already! BUT, I have a lot of stuff to do in December, plus spending Christmas in a compression vest and possibly pain isn't my idea of fun. The only other opening in my busy schedule is February, so I'll probably go for the 15th February, as I have a week then during which I can just relax at home!

I have to do a few more tests now because I chose to get general anesthesia (I'm not a fan of needles and he said that local anesthesia can be quite uncomfortable in the beginning when you're getting shots for about 15 minutes). I also got all the papers I need to sign (seeing a warning that I can die from anesthesia isn't comfortable, but I know that's like a 0.1% chance). Hmm what else, yeah I'm really scared of going under the knife, BUT one look in the mirror and I just want the bastards gone from my chest. Even if I get it in Feb, that still means that I should be okay for the next summer...even if I still have some scars left, at least I can wear a normal t-shirt without extra shirts and slouching to hide the moobs!  :)

What I did forget to ask though is how long the surgery takes usually. Can anyone fill me in? How many hours on average?

This plastic surgeon is supposed to be one of the best ones here, and if I'm pleased with the outcome, I can recommend him, as the prices here for surgery are (still) very very reasonable (I'm in one of the 'new' EU members).
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 05:46:25 AM by theblues »

Offline shughes123

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The surgery usually takes around 2-3 hours.  Yeah, at first it's a bit scary thinking about surgery, however, just remember that it's a simple procedure. Since you'll be getting general anesthesia, you're just going to knock out and wake up in a bandage and compression vest and you'll know that it's all over and that you no longer have to worry how your chest looks.  Also, the pain won't be too bad.  The small amount of physical pain is nothing compared to the relief of all the emotional pain.  Trust me, it's a great feeling knowing that it's all over.

Offline theblues

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Thank you very much guys, I'll keep you posted!  :)

Does anyone own a dog and had surgery? I'd like to know if it's okay to walk him a couple of days after surgery, or if I should find someone else to do it? I wouldn't want to ruin anything up there.

And I just remembered another thing; when you get the compression vest, you have to wear it all the time? How does showering work then?


EDIT: I called the surgeon and I told him I'll rather have it in February. He was obviously rooting for December, but I simply don't have the time then, even though I'd love to give myself the best Christmas gift ever! I have to call back in early January and schedule a date. I don't like the fact that I don't have a date set yet, it feels like a step back. But, it should be fine, as long as I call early enough and book the day which suits me the best. Damn my busy schedule!  >:(
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 04:25:49 AM by theblues »

Offline shughes123

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I'd say it would be best to get someone else to walk your dog for the first week after surgery.  Although you won't be in much pain, you'll be pretty stiff and won't have much range of motion in your arms.  You don't want to have to hold and pull on the leash especially with your dog pulling away.

As for the compression vest, yes, you have have to wear it all the time (even when sleeping) for about 3-6 weeks depending on what your surgeon says.  However, you can take it off to shower.  Don't worry, it's not that bad.  It's only a little uncomfortable for the first few days.  Once you take your first shower (usually 2-3 days after surgery), it won't be as uncomfortable.

Offline theblues

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