Author Topic: My story  (Read 3304 times)

Offline Lesley Snipes

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I found this website very useful, so I thought I will give something back, and share my story of gyne.

I wasn’t sure I had gyne, but had it confirmed this year when I decided to get lean, and see whether it still remained. I started to train 3-4 times a week (cardio, weights, swimming and football) and adhered to a fairly decent diet. I have always had a decent physique, but thought that it might be fat and not gyne. I got pretty lean and muscular, and my gyne still remained.

I came across this board by chance when I was researching how much surgery would cost.

Once I read about the general prices that the surgeons charged, I decided to go ahead with it. I realized from the boards that Karidis and Benito had the best reviews. I decided on Benito, as he was the cheaper alternative.

I am quite a strong-minded person, and I didn’t need a doctor’s opinion on whether I had gyne, so I decided that I will definitely go ahead with it. I spoke to Aida (Dr Benito’s patient co-ordinator) and asked her when I can see Benito for a consultation.
She told me that I could see him on 29 April when he is in London, and that I could book surgery in Mid June. But I was so sure that I wanted it done – I asked her if I can book it before. She said that there was a slot available on May 14, but that I would have to pay a £270 deposit (10% of op cost) to secure the hospital room. I had no hesitation. I decided to go ahead with it, using some of the accounts I had read on this site as reference and guidance.

 So I booked the opp without seeing the surgeon – naive? Maybe…

I will reveal what happened in a later post, as this one is getting long already.

I just wanted to say thank you to the people on this forum, as without it I would have not known what to expect, or who the best surgeon would be for me.

Offline PaulSW

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I saw Benito before I went for surgery and was glad to do so. Although I knew I had gyne and could quite happily have just gone and had it done. At the end of the day if you know you want it doing then why not.
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline Lesley Snipes

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I went to see Benito on 29 April. I liked the man as soon as I met him. He was being quite honest and frank, which I always prefer. He conceded that there could be complications, but on the whole, 99% of his patients have had great results.
He said that there was a possibility that he might not be able to get all the gyne out through his standard operating procedure of two incisions on the side of the chest, and that I would have to choose whether I wanted the second incision under the armpits, or at the bottom of my areola. He said that the armpit incision would be more painful (during the recovery stage) but invisible, but the areola would be more visible but less painful. I decided on the pain option. I could deal with that for a month – I thought.

He told me not to eat after 7am on the day of surgery. I really wanted the surgery to be done.

The 14th of May arrives; my flight was at 7:45am. This meant a 4am wake-up. Strangely, I didn’t feel nervous at all. Maybe I would later.

I arrived at Barcelona airport – I saw Ledley King at the baggage carousel – he was on my flight. Things must be bad for him if he has to fly EasyJet…
I left the airport and was greeted by my driver, who drove me to the hospital. This took about 20 mins.
I was met by the very friendly and helpful Aida at the hospital. She got me to the front of the queue to have my blood tests. I was then taken to fill out some paperwork which was overseen by a very pretty and jovial Spanish woman who spoke two possibly three words of English. This is a feature of the hospital – the staff are extremely friendly, but speak very very little English.

I was then taken to my room on the 4th floor. On the way up, Aida showed me the Nou Camp Stadium, which is visible from the hospital. She commented that Yaya Toure was at the hospital that week and underwent knee surgery, which was interesting. Apparently, the Barcelona players get certain ops done there; she also told me that Yaya had a nice bum, and all the nurses were crazy about it. Not so interesting.

My room was very clean, with a sofa and a glass window on one side which overlooked a local park, a TV and a nice ensuite shower and bathroom which wouldn’t have looked out of place at a 5 star hotel.

Aida told me to get undressed to my boxers to have the heart monitor test.

I was then asked to sign a consent form, and pay for the remainder of the surgery. I paid the remaining £2430 in cash, although I am sure other options for payment are avialable. It might have been quite funny if someone burst in to see me in my boxers, and see a petite blonde counting out a large amount of foreign currency on the hospital bed.

I was given some morphine by one of the nurses, which I had to put under my tongue. It tasted awful and dissolved slowly, and considering you are not allowed to eat or drink on the day – it was quite literally a bitter pill to swallow.
Dr Benito came into see me, and told me that there was a delay and he would operate on me at 5pm.
Nearer that time, I was taken down to see the anesthetist who put a needle into a vein on the top of my hand. This was slightly painful, but lasted maybe 3 seconds.

I was out maybe 20 mins later. I heard a distant voice which I recognized as Benito’s and he told me that everything went well, and that he did not have to make the second incision. I groggily replied that it was “great news”.

I awoke later that night, at about midnight, when I was given some antibiotics. These are given to you by the nurses quite regularly. I was attached to a drip.
My chest was wrapped up very tightly, and it was very flat. My upper chest, almost upto my neck, was covered in a mummy-like bandage.

I was very hungry as I hadn’t eaten for 17 hours. The nurse told me that breakfast would be served at 8 am.

I didn’t feel too much pain on my chest, which was quite surprising. The pain was more of a dull and numb type. I spent the next day in bed, reading mainly. Benito saw me in the morning, and answered some of the questions I had. He also took off the bandages, which to be honest did hurt. The bandages also took off some of my skin, as they were so tight. He also took out my drains, which again was painful, but nothing that gritted teeth doesnt solve. It lasts for about 3-5 seconds.

When I left for the airport the following day, I found it quite easy to carry my luggage. It didn’t even feel or look like I had surgery.

My recovery so far has been great. However, due to the cuts on my back, and surgery on my front, it was difficult to sleep the first 3 nights. After 7 days post opp, I felt more or less the same as before surgery – no pain – just a compression vest was the difference. The only thing was that my nipples were and still are slightly tender to the touch.

I saw Benito for a consultation last Friday, and he told me that the nipple takes the longest to heal, and that I should massage around it to break up the scar tissue.

He told me that I should start doing all my normal activities. My chest is looking great, and all that hard work in the gym is finally visible. My physique is muscular, and I can finally see that on my chest.

I did some press-ups on Saturday. My chest felt a bit tight, but it was fine. I am going swimming tonight, which I love to do. More or less fully recovered.

If anyone has any questions do please ask. This forum has been a great help, and hopefully I can help others.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 11:32:17 AM by Lesley Snipes »

Offline another_case

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Very informative post, brings back memories of my surgery with Dr. Benito back in February! Find it amazing that you feel comfortable going swimming in public so soon after surgery. My bruising looked terrible for the first 4 weeks and I have quite a bit of scar tissue now still left, I wouldn't even feel comfortable going swimming in public now. My left side was slightly more severe than my right so is taking a bit longer to heal. How serious was your problem, did Dr. Benito tell you how much he removed from your chest?

irish lad

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hello bud...great post really helpful !!!

iv my op on friday and some of the things in your post really put my mind at rest!..i am also pretty lean and have musclar pecs and benito told me not to exercise for 2weeks before the op this maybe being he didnt want to operate on my chest shortly after a workout im not sure and he also told me pretty much same as you... man how id love to be able to be in your postion so soon after surgery! are you not wearing the compression vest?? im also going for the more painful option of armpit excission..i was given the choice of aerola and armpit also!.. you really got me optimistic about my results because i also have a musclar build and also noticed the gyne looking worse after i started weights... just a few questions! did you have any fear about the anasthectic part?? the part where you might not wake up lol... and is their any decent channels on tv??lol.. and did you bring much lugage? i plan on bringing just one set of spair clothes and my ipod and maybe a few mags to read in a normal back pack..

please get back to me before thursday night because il be on my way to spain then iv to leave a day early because the nearest airport is about 4 hours away lol..

again good post and try get your pics up ;)

Offline Lesley Snipes

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I had no fear about the anesthetic at all.

In terms of luggage, just take comfortable clothes. Shorts and T-Shirt and possibly a hoody to cover the signs of the compression vest after you leave the hospital (although I wore a thickish T shirt and it was fine).

The TV has English movies (which are pay-per-view)- but only Spanish TV.

irish lad

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ok cheers.. so when are you getting d stiches taking out? does your chest look like it had surgery on it? or does d armpit excission really disguise it that much?

Offline Lesley Snipes

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I had the stitches taken out during my check-up last Friday.

Benito did not have to make incisions under my arm-pits, as just the ones on the side were enough. So, I dont know what the pain would be like.

Offline Lesley Snipes

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Hi Another Case.

Benito told me I had a decent amount of gyne. He described it as "pure" gyne in the sense that I dont have much fat on my chest. I dont know how much in terms of weight he took out.

irish lad

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ok thanks for the help! ;)


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