Author Topic: I have posted here many times  (Read 2596 times)

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OK, I have posted here many times, a lot of times rambling - I tend to change my mind a lot!
Anyway, last year I had liposuction, but I'm thinking about getting an actual surgery now to remove the glands.
For the lipo I paid £2000, and last year when I asked my doctor he said that the actual surgery would cost £3000.
At the time I was so certain that lipo would remove the gyne (even though the doctor said it wouldn't remove the glands) that I
didn't even talked about the surgery! But I was wrong...

I won't consider it to be a mild case, or would I consider it to be an extreme or even a bad one.

But here are a couple of questions that I have:

- Do you think my doctor would give me any discounts if I go for the surgery?
- Do they re-size the nipples when performing surgery?
- What about excess skin - do they remove that too?
- Are these tasks easy for a doctor to perform, or should I be worried?
- After the surgery I will probably have 1 month to rest and then I will have to get on with my uni - would that be enough time for recovery? I can't remember clearly, but I believe after my lipo I had two weeks to rest and afterwards I started my uni - I don't remember having any major problems though.

Thank you in advance

Offline crazygyne

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I had lipo & gland removed by Karidis and the skin shrinked back fine so the nipple wnt need resizing unless you have a massive amount removed. After about 10 days i had 100% movement back in my arms & chest so 1 month should be pleanty of time.


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