Author Topic: SURGERY TOMMOROW *nervousness to the max*  (Read 3104 times)

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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Mods - Please don't move this, I want replies lol.

K well I'm not extremely nervous, but I am very excited.  Tommorow morning I have to show up at the hospital for 6:30 am and the actual surgery is like at 8:00 AM.  Getting anxious and nervous and excited right now, you have no idea how hard it is to type right now.

Getting the gland removed and I will hopefully be recovered in 1.5-2 weeks.  I'm 17 and 175 pounds (recently I have gained some muscles :) ) ( Check out my pics ). 

For all of those people who have had surgery before, what is your pre-op advice.  I've already been told by my Doc not to eat past midnight.  Any bad things I can expect (feeling like sht, etc.) ?

For all of those living and struggling with gyne like I have, I really hope you work out your relationship with your body, and if surgery is the way that you do that, then good luck with it. 


Offline soillinois

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good luck,  hope everything turns out the way you want. :)  Your body is fine, even if there is minor scaring don't think it will be much of a big deal.   It's not like you were overweight and have a lot of stretch marks or anything.  Don't dwell on minor imperfections.

Offline dondante

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Just remember to be calm tomorrow - you will be fine. Expect to feel like shit for the first 24 hours post-op, but it won't be intolerable since you'll have painkillers. Don't try to be a hero, if you feel pain, take your painkillers. Have a bunch of movies ready, relax and let your body begin its long process of recovery.

Good luck!

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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Don't try to be a hero
seriously lol`d

Thanks for the advice guys

Offline zane949

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Good luck man you'll be fine let us know how it goes I have a case similar to yours i am working on overcoming it mentally.  Who is your PS by the way, if he does a killer job I might be interested

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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I live in London, Canada :O .  His name is Dr. Girvan.  So if you live in London then it might be useful for you to go to him, however, if you live closer to Toronto then I would suggest Dr. Fielding, because I have only heard good things about him

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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Just curious how the surgery went. Its crazy to think that by now it should be all over. Your so f-ing lucky. I can wait to be in your shoes and have it be over already. I have mine on March 27th. You have to give updates on the whole process. From the operating room until you started to wake up from the drugs. How did it feel? How were you feeling? How do you feel now? Good luck and hope all is going well.   Randy
Thanks, and check this topic, I'll try and keep it updated


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