Author Topic: How do you manage out-of-state trips for the consultation/surgery/follow-ups  (Read 2764 times)

Offline mephistopholes

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If you don't know anyone in the state where the PS is located, and you have no one to go with you for the trip, what ways are available to economize the whole hoops in term of the time and money?

I would need to minimize the # of trips, and minimize the cost associated with the room & board, surgery, and any unexpected or expected cost.

Are the surgery and related cost count toward the tax-write off during the tax season?  I would think some PSs may have offered a little travel re-reimbursement if you chose them probably during the times when the economy was better, but I don't know if some PSs still consider doing that....   Any tips/ideas?


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If you don't know anyone in the state where the PS is located, and you have no one to go with you for the trip, what ways are available to economize the whole hoops in term of the time and money?

I would need to minimize the # of trips, and minimize the cost associated with the room & board, surgery, and any unexpected or expected cost.


I evolved my Preliminary Remote Discussion over the years to help patients minimize travel.  It gives the patient a chance to spend time with me before traveling to Virginia.  It also helps improve patient education, optimize recovery, and work on other issues sometimes better addressed before surgery.

Before surgery however, each patient still needs an in office evaluation and examination.  Any plans based on forms and pictures are best only tentative and refined in person.  With pictures specific for normal gynecomastia, revision gynecomastia, weight loss and sagging male chest, I am able to have a very high percentage to predict what I will find in person.  The extended information we work with during the remote can lead to recommendations for other consultations like an Endocrinologist or clearances like someone with significant medical problems.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I communicate with my patients who are out of town/state/country well in advance of their trip here.  My office staff works very hard to gather as much patient information as we can before your trip to Florida to have your surgery with me.  Preop digital photos can easily be emailed, and although nothing replaces a physical exam, I can formulate a pretty accurate surgical plan based on communication with you and studying your photos.  That allows us to set aside a reasonable amount of operating room time and establish a financial quote for you.

We help you with getting reservations at an Orlando hotel, and I have an agreement with the Hyatt Hotel in the International Airport which allows you a discounted room.  My office is close to the airport.

Patients usually fly into Orlando the day prior to surgery and come straight to my office for their consultation.  The surgery is the following morning, and patients from out of town who travel alone stay overnight in my recovery area.  If they have family or a friend travel with them, they return to their hotel a couple of hours after surgery.  The plans for follow up visits are individualized, and they vary from patient to patient.

I hope this helps you.
Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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I have patients coming for surgery from all parts of the US and around the world.  My office does an extensive evaluation of you by email prior to any trip to New York City.  This includes digital photos, a complete medical history and a discussion about your case.  Obviously, nothing will substitute for a face to face consultation and examination -- but both the patient and I can get a good handle on what would need to be done.  Then, I can usually provide a quote for surgery based on this information.

I usually request that any required blood/urine tests be performed well in advance of surgery by your local doctor or clinic (and the results faxed to my office) so that the results can be evaluated with adequate time prior to the planned operation.  If there are any problems in these tests, then surgery is postponed while the results are evaluated.

I do request that a patient appear in the office at least one day prior to surgery in order to confirm the physical examination and allow me to describe, in detail, everything that will occur. I will be pleased to answer all of your questions as well.  Most important, I think it is very important that both the patient and the doctor be comfortable with one another -- and this can only be done on a face to face basis.

New York City offers a myriad of hotels and services -- and with appropriate internet searches, a patient can find accommodations to fit any pocketbook.  Of course, my staff has some recommended nearby hotels as well.

I am most pleased to offer this evaluation free of charge.

If you have any additional questions, please send me a PM.

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline FreeinVegas

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The PS that did my procedure has some sort of program to help coordinate fly-ins.  Perhaps this is normal, but his name is Arthur Cambeiro and he practices in Las Vegas (Henderson to be exact).  Just look him up and find the link on his website.  I have no idea what the fly-in program entails whether it be some sort of discount or simply help with the arrangements.


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