Author Topic: Had surgery out of state developed fluid accumulation.  (Read 4204 times)

Offline cube

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I had surgery on the 11th and now have some dense fluid accumulation which seems to be increasing. I went to the urgent care clinic and they said to wait til tomorrow to see a surgeon. The question is what kind of surgeon should I see and will it be difficult for them to drain it? Also will this effect the final result of my surgery?

Offline headheldhigh01

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it's fairly routine, they might be able to just syringe it out (don't watch if you've eaten recently!)  i wonder if you could ask the ps to cover the cost of the drainage, especially if you go a second time, but you'd have to ask.   
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline cube

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Where should I go to get it done? They gave me a list of surgeons in the area. Should I just go to any surgeon?


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I had surgery last year in july. The Surgeon who operated cut around both nipples completely. Now I have the same gyno but with scars around both nipples. I have discussed a revision surgery with a DR and he advised that because the previous dr cut around the areola there is a larger chance of NECROSIS of the nipple! He said that alot of blood supply was cut off because of the previous doctors failure. But he then said he has never had a situation like that happen in his 30 yrs of performing surgery. Is this something I should be concerned about or is it still a very rare scenario?? I am now more stressed than ever because of this....

Blood supply is an issue making this difficult sculpture.  Options depend on the original problem, what was done, complications, the skill of the revision surgeon, and many other factors best determined during an evaluation.  Here is an example of a patient who had a mess created by his incompetent first surgeon who cut all the way around the areola leaving a Large Areola Complication After Bad Gynecomastia Surgery that I was able to revise the areola and deal with the remaining gland component.  Check the linked pages to view the entire series of pictures before, after, and during surgery to see what I mean.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

I had surgery on the 11th and now have some dense fluid accumulation which seems to be increasing. I went to the urgent care clinic and they said to wait til tomorrow to see a surgeon. The question is what kind of surgeon should I see and will it be difficult for them to drain it? Also will this effect the final result of my surgery?

Fluid Collections such as a seroma (tissue fluid) or a Hematoma (blood) After Gynecomastia Surgery can be emergencies and often warrant immediate medical intervention. Have you contacted you doctor yet? I certainly would want to know of any such problems with my patients with an immediate phone call so the problem can be addressed in a timely fashion.

You certainly seem to have an issue about selecting surgeons. Choice of surgeons can be critical to minimize such possible problems. Some doctors' techniques have a high fluid collection rate, so bad that they need to use drains for all of their patients. I prefer methods that result in an extremely low risk of such fluid collection, such that I need drains about once every 2 years for male chest contouring.  This can be critical for someone like myself who sees so many patients from around the world. That is also why each patient is checked the day after surgery.  I can remember only one patient over the many years I have been doing this who had such problem after traveling home. The patient returned, I drained him and that was that.

Back to the critical issues here:
What was done for the revision surgery?
What was your doctor's advice about the issues?
If you did not contact that doctor, why not?

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline fluffy_tits

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Dang I feel bad for you man.  That's messed up that your doctor left you with fluid he should have known that you was goin to need drains!! Doesn't sound like a trustworthy doctor to me.  As far as how your surgeory is goin to turn out, idk man...but i hope everything goes well for you i kno you have to be scared/worthy right now at the moment!!

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline cube

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The secondary surgery involved bilateral removal of the gland. After the surgery the Dr showed me the removed tissue and i was pleased with the amount removed. I returned 5 days after surgery and he said everything was going according to plan and that there would be some swelling which would decrease with time. It is now a week and four days after surgery and there seems to be some fluid beneath the area where the gland was on both sides the right side is mild and barely noticeable however the left side is a bit larger. I contacted the Dr and he said if it continued swelling that I should return to see him so that he could drain some tissue. Thats not financially possible right now, so he advised I see a local Dr. I had a consultation with a local Dr who also performs gyno surgery, who said there was not alot of fluid and that it did not require draining he said it would diminish over time. He said to return within a week to see how it progresses. Is it possible that the fluid will diminish within the next couple weeks? It is not painful it just feels uncomfortable and raises the skin where the gland used to be. Not sure what I should do next...

Offline cube

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Fluid Collections such as a seroma (tissue fluid) or a Hematoma (blood) After Gynecomastia Surgery can be emergencies and often warrant immediate medical intervention. Have you contacted you doctor yet? I certainly would want to know of any such problems with my patients with an immediate phone call so the problem can be addressed in a timely fashion.

You certainly seem to have an issue about selecting surgeons. Choice of surgeons can be critical to minimize such possible problems. Some doctors' techniques have a high fluid collection rate, so bad that they need to use drains for all of their patients. I prefer methods that result in an extremely low risk of such fluid collection, such that I need drains about once every 2 years for male chest contouring.  This can be critical for someone like myself who sees so many patients from around the world. That is also why each patient is checked the day after surgery.  I can remember only one patient over the many years I have been doing this who had such problem after traveling home. The patient returned, I drained him and that was that.

Back to the critical issues here:
What was done for the revision surgery?
What was your doctor's advice about the issues?
If you did not contact that doctor, why not?

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Thanks for your response Dr Bermant. This particular surgeon is well known and performs 300+ gyno surgeries a year so I expect a good result. Although right now I'm not sure what to think. I didn't explain myself correctly before the tissue beneath the nipple is actually quite dense and is not jiggling or squirting around. It's actually just a dense collection of what the Dr I spoke to here where i live sais is just blood and will go away on it's own. I don't know if im overreacting because I so desperately want to be done with this situation. But it does feel unpleasant and I am only 1 week and 4 days post op. The Dr in NY advised I send him so pictures and he will assess wether it is a serious problem or just regular healing.


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