Author Topic: My plan... think it'll work?  (Read 1854 times)

Offline revolver

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^ Pics of gyno, incase you were wondering what it looks like.

So I've had gyno since about 13 years old and I'm currently 18. Just graduated high school and about to leave for University far far away in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. This is great, because it means that I can get surgery in a town far away from anyone I regularly know AND I'll be gone months at a time for recovery. Basically, I can get this surgery done my own discrepancy.


1. I currently have medicaid, do you think if I got my doctor's to write a good enough note that I could get them to pay for it all?
2. I have the option to buy Lake Superior State Universities health insurance plan. Would I have better odds getting them to pay for it?
3. If I do get the surgery done, how can I make sure the bill doesn't get sent back to my mailbox back home... where my dad will surely see it?
4. If I can't get insurance to pay for it, how much will it cost and how would I go about paying for that?
5. I'm thinking about using a student loan to pay for it? Has anyone done this before and would like to walk me through the process of getting the money as cash instead of credit towards a University?

Thank you guys for your advice.

PS. I do plan on telling my dad sometime after surgery.

Offline Paa_Paw

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As I understand Medicaid there is no chance of them covering the surgery.

Any new policy that you get now will probably have an exclusion that denies coverage for any preexisting condition within the first few years that you have the policy.

You should be ready to face the fact that most policies exclude Cosmetic Surgery entirely.

If you are willing and able to pay top dollar for a policy without an exclusion for Cosmetic Surgery and then wait for the required number of years for the "preexisting condition" exclusion to run out; You might be able to get the surgery covered by insurance. Note that I only said 'might be able,' They still may be able to deny the coverage.

Aren't student loans supposed to be used for educational expenses? Even if they could be used for this purpose, you would be in debt up to you eyeballs for years. This is not exactly a great way to enter adulthood.

Cash, on the other hand, almost always works. Get a part time job and save the coins. This is the usual way it is done.

As to the price, It varies considerably and the cost of the surgery often does not include the fees for the anesthesia and the surgical facility. I think you have some serious homework to do.

Grandpa Dan

Offline revolver

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I don't mind taking out a few thousand for student loans. I had good grades and most of the schooling is already covered through scholarship money, so even if I did have to take out a large sum I'd just be in the same boat as my peers.

Besides,  3-4-5, hell even 6 grand is a small price to pay for my sanity. I LOVE the beach, I LOVE the feeling of walking around with my shirt off. However, these luxuries have been denied from me since my childhood. I have done no wrong to deserve this, yet it still happened. I'm hoping now is the time to fix it, if only I can get that loan money...

Offline booty_frijoles

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I'd strongly recommend student loans if there's no other way you can pay for the surgery. I'm actually saving money from work and adding along my loan money in a separate saving - saved almost $2k. For the summer semester, I took out the maximum allowed for an unsubsidized loan - about $1580...I placed it all into my savings. This coming fall semester I'll be receiving about $1800 as scholarship refund money, and I will probably take out another unsubsidized loan of around $1500. I am still working and putting aside about $50-100 out of every check (get paid bi-weekly), so I figure I will be able to pay for the surgery sometime close to the end of the year.

That's my plan, if it helps any. In the meantime, I'm just trying to get into the best shape possible in order for me to see the best final results from this surgery.

(P.S. --- No, you are not required to use loan money on school related expenses. Some people use it to pay for housing, furnish apartments, buy a car. I don't see why we can't use it for gyne surgery?)


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