Author Topic: need some advice/supplements  (Read 1586 times)

Offline Ben2cat

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just curious what the best program yuo found out there for weight loss and soem supplements that help gyno... I want ot lose abotu 45 lbs before suregery in oct.
i have heard different messages about different supplements, looking for fat burn, appetite control, and something to take away the snack cravings... I get plenty of exercise and it is to the point now I need something to get me throught the hump... I am open to all suggestion, I like green tea, and energy drinks, just looking for a good routine to follow with nutritional supplements... Let me know guys...

Offline Gyno-more

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I'll be honest with you, because I've tried them all - the best thing in the world you can do is eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep.  Surround yourself with books and magazines about fitness and good food, join a gym or find a group to work out with - maybe join a league of some sort if you like a certain sport, or try something new.  There may even be support groups in your area.  You can also check crossfit - just google it - it is, hands down (aside from Marine Corps Boot Camp) the best thing I've ever done for overall fitness.  For me, Atkins (low to no carb) is the diet my body responds the best too - you can eat tons of meat, eggs, chicken, fish, etc and lose weight.  As far as supplements go, I use two - Fish Oil and Protein Powder - but I don't really consider either of them "supplements."  Coffee in the morning is my energy drink - all that other crap gives you a good buzz and plenty of vitamins, but it has a buncha chemicals in it you don't need.  You can use fitday to track your diet. 

Good luck! 

Offline zane949

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Eat six small meals a day no bigger than your fist, stay away from sugar and salt and drink a ton of water.  As for the gym always be sure to change up your routine every 4 weeks to prevent plateau.  check around on the net there is always useful info out there.

Offline Paa_Paw

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zane949 is right on the money. If you don't allow your self to get hungry, there will be much less temptation to snack. He is absolutely right on the water as well. Sodas and coffee do not count as water either.

Salad greens count as almost nothing, but be careful of the dressings as many of them are loaded with calories.

If you have a sweet tooth, Candy can be allowed if you do it right. Instead of eating a chocolate bar, for example, Take one or two little squares and allow them to disolve slowly in your mouth. Don't chew, but make it last as long as possible. Your taste can be satisfied in that way with very little intake.
Grandpa Dan


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