Author Topic: i cured my own gyno... POSSIBLE PLZ READ  (Read 16615 times)

Offline gynosucks1

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i had a slight case of pueberty gyno.  very little hard nodules and some fat/glandual tissue that mdae them be bigger then they should be.

they didn't look like gyno, but they were too big for my body.  when i flexed they looked like pure muscle and i even got complements..

anyway i looked strongert/bigger than i really was.

anyway... i thought i should let u guys know there is a product out there called REBOUND XT.. it is used for post cycle therapy by bodybuilders but it is also now being used to reduce exisiting gyno from pueberty, and anabolic cycles.

i stacked this with nolvadex 40 mgs, and did reccomended dosage of the rebound xt for 4 weeks..

my gyno was half wiped out the first week.  my whole chest was sore and i got throbbing pains but the thing shrank down like crazy and it was just simply fat now and no glandualar tissue.. still had balls behinde nips...

took another 3 weeks for it to be completely eliminated

anyway, plz do look into drug treatments for this condition.  there are clinical studies.. like 3-4 showing 100% improvement in all patients with treatment with arimidex, nolvadex, and the new medication outthere starting with R...

rebound xt is completely untested.  but there is mass hysteria out there on how well this works.  it worked for me stacked with nolvadex.

granted i was nowhere near the level to have surgery for the condition but it wiped mine clean.. it might wipe yours clean

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Got any before and after pics?

Offline Blarneystoner

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Doddy, are you mocking me asking Jesus to make my gyne go away? Just because you don't believe in Jesus does not mean you have to insult him. I respect you as an Atheist and I think you should respect me as a Christian.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 09:58:18 AM by Blarneystoner »
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline Spleen

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Did you do this while under a doctor's care?  Both the drug and the "supplement" affect the endocrine system, so it's the kind of stuff that one probably ought to be talking to their doctor about.  

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Doddy, are you mocking me asking Jesus to make my gyne go away?


Just because you don't believe in Jesus does not mean you have to insult him.

I'm not. I'm insulting you.

I respect you as an Atheist and I think you should respect me as a Christian.

No, because the notion that Jesus will get rid of your gyne is ridiculous, and thus not worthy of respect.

Anyway, PM me if you want rather than derailing this further.

Offline mannyman742

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Hmm, I don't trust anything that's main ingredient begins with "die". Diene 25MGs.
I am interested to see if the gyne changes are permanent.

Offline gynosucks1

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this is at 18.. it used to be bigger but natural test i guess kicked in and they reduced..

then from skulpt...

shit load of glandular/fatt tissue gone

This is completely gone all glandular fiboroous tissue..+ a few weeks bulking+ a lot of water weight.. so pecs looks kinda chunky i guess compaired to what they normally are.

i guess the point here is i've been a skinny fooker my whole life.  and although i didnt have GYNOMASTIA.. i think the shit is relative, and i had way too much fiborous tissue/adipose tissue in breasts for my bone structure size...

now they didn't look like female breasts really before.. the before pec was really making em look at lot worse....

but i guess they were just unpleasing to me aesthetically and i wanted to change it.  

i will assure u i'm not an idiot and it wasn't just fat.  IT was extesnive glandular fiborous tissue, with nodules behinde the nipples.. all of which are gone now.

Offline gynosucks1

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and why the hell would it not be permenant

anyway u get rid of it it is gone...

they only develope with extreme estrogen levels vs test...

now keeping the breasts it takes only a little estrogen ..

basically if u didn' thit pueberty hard and ur test level just didnt CRUSH OUT your est level.. u are stuck with bitch breasts, or little nodules.

a lot of people have em

i did an expierment.. like 7/10 of my friends have some form of gyno...

it's no big deal, but i'm just saying..

this worked for me, and if u have a lot of glandular tissue, or the actual breast node that is huge.. u might want to try rebound xt becuase it fucking crushed it in 5 days

and all u people talking about ur endocrin system getting fucke dup

well hey i can say ur wrong and full of shit becuase just like u i have no proof

risk vs reward

Offline Spleen

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I don't think you had gynecomastia bro'.

Offline gynosucks1

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well i know i didn't have gyno..

but every male has some amount of breast tissue..

point is i thought i had too much for my size ..

i donno no one ever told me this.. i guess u could say i had a visual disorder

anyway i know it wasn't fat.. like i said, it was glandular tissue/mixed with fat..


the actual breast lobe behinde the nip

all of which i did cure with rebound xt....

i mean breast tissue is breast tissue

point being is it shrank mine the darn down with 0 side effects.. honestly i felt crazy good on the rebound xt.

even if u still need surgery after, getting rid of some of it without the surgery and going in there with less of the tissue is only going to make the end result better

Offline wolfman

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i think u work for a company that sell this shit becouse it doesnt work  ::)
i finally feel like im a man

Offline gynosucks1

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and designer supps are the only companies who sell this

they must have a ton of fucking employes cuz if u visit any bodybuilding forum ull hear the same story

but i'm just sharing my good expierience cuz i know how bad having tities sucks no matter how big they are

Offline pe175

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I tired just rebound and noticed a slight difference.

I have ALSO HEARD that stacking rebound with 40mg of liquid Nolvadex had very good results.

When i did it I used rebound only however I'm willing to go to an endo and try to get nolva prescribed so I can try that stack.

I don't work for any companies or anything, I'm just willing to do whatever it takes to try and get rid of my man titties.

Offline gynosucks1

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well that's what i did bro

granted i have VERY small actual gyno and a little too much for my size the fatty tissue/mixed with the grandular outtter breast tissue

but mine got wiped out and the hard lump behinde each nip with the 40 mgs nolvadex rebound xt stack

also through in vitament b6 in that mix it controls progesterone well

Offline pe175

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where did you get the liquid nolva from?


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