Author Topic: New member looking for first time  (Read 3976 times)

Offline netksjc

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I apologize for adding the same normal story but any reply or suggestions I receive may get me going in the direction I need.
I am 24, 5'10'' and currently weigh about 195 lbs.  This is the heaviest I have been in my life, but I have starting lifting for the first time and began running.  I fell better - stronger arms, in better shape - but I do not see any improvement in my chest.  If anything, it feels slightly firmer closer to my arm and it is making me worried that it is getting firmer in my upper chest (which is good) but is making the fatty-chest stick out more.

I have been chubby my whole life and this fatty-chest issue has haunted me since elementry school.  As I have read in other threads, I never take my shirt off in public and this problem has definitely stopped me from doing things I have wanted, hurt my confidence, and made me completely insecure.  I double check before I leave for the day that what I am wearing covers it up slightly.  I rarely wear t-shirts and when I do for sports, I do not always feel comfortable and sometimes the "nipple-rub" on the shirt gets irritated.  The list of common things you do daily that are affected by this go on and on.

I have started to eat slightly better and will continue to excersise.  
I guess my main question is - How do I know whether it is FAT or whether it is GYNE???
I have not seen many pics that are exact to mine to compare the notes.  I have a handful of fat that is rather round - no drooping or abnormal nipples.
I will add pictures on Monday after I look through the site a little more.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Welcome Broh!

If you want to know for sure if you have Gyne, go see a Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon. He/She will be able to tell you....  ;)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 04:28:11 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline FallenJedi

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Yeah, i'm gonna agree with Bambu and say the same. Go see a plastic surgeon or an endocrynologist so they can run a few tests and what not.
Keep eating healthy and keep exercising, motivation and strong will is the key!!! :)

Offline jc71

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netks - just think of all the creative mental energy that you've wasted because of gyne.  

Doesn't it make you sick?

Go see an endo and PS (both).  :)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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netks - just think of all the creative mental energy that you've wasted because of gyne.  

Doesn't it make you sick?

Go see an endo and PS (both).  :)

And all the mental misery we've had to endure!  :'( :-/ :'(



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I apologize for adding the same normal story but any reply or suggestions I receive may get me going in the direction I need.
I am 24, 5'10'' and currently weigh about 195 lbs.  This is the heaviest I have been in my life, but I have starting lifting for the first time and began running.  I fell better - stronger arms, in better shape - but I do not see any improvement in my chest.  If anything, it feels slightly firmer closer to my arm and it is making me worried that it is getting firmer in my upper chest (which is good) but is making the fatty-chest stick out more.

I have been chubby my whole life and this fatty-chest issue has haunted me since elementry school.  As I have read in other threads, I never take my shirt off in public and this problem has definitely stopped me from doing things I have wanted, hurt my confidence, and made me completely insecure.  I double check before I leave for the day that what I am wearing covers it up slightly.  I rarely wear t-shirts and when I do for sports, I do not always feel comfortable and sometimes the "nipple-rub" on the shirt gets irritated.  The list of common things you do daily that are affected by this go on and on.

I have started to eat slightly better and will continue to excersise.  
I guess my main question is - How do I know whether it is FAT or whether it is GYNE???
I have not seen many pics that are exact to mine to compare the notes.  I have a handful of fat that is rather round - no drooping or abnormal nipples.
I will add pictures on Monday after I look through the site a little more.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to distinguish just what is causing the problem.  Gynecomastia male breasts can be fat, gland, or most commonly a combination of both.  Sometimes skin and sagging muscles can be a factor.  It is impossible to tell from photographs if the deformity is from fat or gland. The dynamic images, of my standard set of images can show a region that compresses differently.  Even clinical examination differentiation can be difficult.

Fat tends to be soft, gland tends to be firm.  Fingers of gland often dissect between fingers of fat.  Look at this drawing and move your mouse over the arrows.  However, gland can be soft and fat firm confusing the picture.  Gland tends to be located under the nipple and pinching pressure can sometimes tether to the nipple pulling it in.

Men with excessive fat do tend to have certain contour issues.  Check out this link about Sumo Wrestlers.  Men tend to carry excessive weight in their chest and stomach.

Losing weight first, to something you are comfortable with and can maintain is typically a much better option.  Weight loss is a coarse tool.  Unfortunately, you cannot pick where weight comes from - nor can you pick where weight goes back on to.  Gland that contributes to the breast shape is not helped with weight loss.  Fingers of fat in the gland can become smaller, but the contour problem from gland does not go away.  After losing weight plastic surgery can help with localized fat, gland, and extra skin.  After surgery remaining fat cells can put on more weight.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline netksjc

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Thanks for the advice and info.
I am gonna attempt to lose some more weight and see what happens.
It is amazing how much time and energy is spent on covering it up and worrying about.
If I can find time and figure out my camera, I will post pics.
I am also worried about the money I would need to spend on an evaluation and follow through work.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You've already had some good replies, but I'll put my oar in for what it may be worth.

Young men with gynecomastia frequently have problems with self image and generally their self image improves when they get better fit.  Unfortunately, some of us seem to be inclined to deposit fat in the breast area first and lose it there last.  Another piece of unfortunate news is that I have actually found that while the exercise did not only not get rid of the gynecomastia, the breasts were even more prominent because they were now perched atop a well developed muscle.

As to whether it is fat or Gyne? I favor the definition which says any enlargement or feminine contouring- - - . Gynecomastia runs in my family, so My attitude is that it is normal.  It frequently is the source of emotional problems for a lot of men.  This effect seems to not differentiate between fat or gland,  and I favor the definition that does not differentiate either.

Family history might be a help, not just your Dad, but male members of your Mother's family too.  Does this same fat pattern show up in any of your male relatives?  

Most gynecomastia is actually physically harmless and much more normal than many men would believe.  There are exceptions however and it can sometimes be a symptom of other problems.  As a result, I strongly favor investigating the source of Gynecomastia.  Your family doctor would be a help, but the best information would come from an Endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive issues.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan

Offline netksjc

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I do not see it running in the family at all.  It did make me curious to think about it, but I think I have shut the door on that.
I am in fairly good shape, I am just heavier than I would like to be.  I would like to be at 180 and I am now at 195.
I have had this "fatty chest" since I was a baby.  Even in baby pictures/toddler pictures you can see a flabby chest.  I always thought the "baby fat" would go away, but it never seemed to.  
I am def a little worried that working out will cause an even more prominent chest.  I can feel an upper muscle now, but the fat is still there.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are patterns of fatty distribution and many men tend to deposit fat in the breast area.  This seems to be the first place for fat to deposit and the last place to lose it.  Sometimes even weight loss to an unhealthy degree will have no beneficial effect.  In Fact, starvation can be a factor or cause in the development of gynecomastia.  

While I suppose it may be possible to have breasts that are fatty tissue alone, I think it is highly unlikely.  Usually there are threads of glandular tissue penetrating throughout a fatty mass.  This is another reason why I do not distinguish between types of gynecomastia.

I am not a person who normally supports surgery for gynecomastia, I have learned to cope with it and have done so since age of about 12.  That would have been in 1949 and Surgery was decades in the future.  Yet, the major problems with Gynecomastia are not physical but emotional.  Self image or self worth can become major issues.  Sometimes the men become socially isolated and withdrawn.  The Psychological issues can add up to a medical necessity for the surgery.

The first thing would be a visit with an Endocrinologist who has specialized in reproductive issues.  You need to be sure there is not an underlying condition which would make you a poor candidate for surgery or even worse, a condition which would cause regrowth of the gynecomastia after surgery.

Then it would be off to the the surgeon unless you needed a letter from a psychologist to support a claim of medical necessity.

Good luck and keep us posted.
The next step would depend on whether or not you have medical insurance and their willingness to pay for the surgery.  
« Last Edit: June 21, 2005, 08:48:24 PM by Paa_Paw »

Offline netksjc

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Here are my pics.  I will try to put them in the correct section as well, but I am having touble with my camera and getting them on the site.
What do you think?  Any advice will help once again.
And, like I said before, I am very worried about the cost of getting an evaluation and the follow-up work that may be reccommended.  (Front raised view)  (Front relaxed view)  (Side View - please just turn your head - it is sideways)



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Well you have Gyne that's for sure

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Well you have Gyne that's for sure



Where you located? The US?

John out...
« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 04:34:00 PM by Bambu »

Offline netksjc

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Offline netksjc

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Just an FYI...
I will be wearing a compression vest, or as I call it, a really tight "wifebeater" tomorrow to work.  I ordered one Tuesday and it was already here today.  I was amazed when I put on a t-shirt for the first time.  

If anyone looks at these pics and sees anything similar, just know that the shirt can help you.  Not sure if I will wear it everyday yet, but I am def going to use it this weekend.

I have a feeling people will ask me if I have been losing weight, and I will say yes....I have lost a few pounds.  I think my stomach may show a little more because of it (not a big deal, not too upset with my stomach) and because the chest is flatter.  I can always blame a belly on food and beer, I just never had an answer for my flabby chest.  I AM EXCITED!


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