Author Topic: Great experience with Dr. Haeck (Seattle, WA)  (Read 5359 times)

Offline Chinaman

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After a year and a half of dealing with a large rubbery glandular mass (nearly the size of a hockey puck) behind my right nipple I am finally back to my normal, naturally flat looking chest size after undergoing surgery with Dr. Haeck in Seattle. I am most surprised by the accurately even alignment of my post-op nipples and the speedy recovery.

Before the surgery, the enlarged side of my chest had gotten big enough that the nipple on the side with the swollen gland was noticeably lower on my chest, puffy and pointed downward.

It has only been a week since the operation and there is really no bruising, and only slight soreness/swelling. Discomfort experienced in the first 3-4 days following the operation were fixed with Vicodin and Ambien (For sleep - I'm generally not accustomed to sleeping on my back).

Dr. Haeck did an amazing job, and even scheduled the surgery within 2 weeks of the consultation so that I'd have enough recovery time for a vacation that my girlfriend and I had scheduled for early September!!

The cost was approximately $5,800 total.

If you are looking to get this surgery done in the Pacific Northwest this is definitely the guy to see. He is board certified and seems to really specialize in breasts & chests.

Also, he offers to provide free touch up surgery if you are not satisfied after a few months of healing.  

(I'll post some pre-op, 1 wk post & 2 wk post pics in a few days)

Update: It has been approximately 2 weeks since the surgery. Here are some pre/ 1 week post pics.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 06:20:08 PM by Chinaman »

Offline Dave_8

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Nice cant wait to see the results. Hopefully your not another member claiming to have had the surgery with Haeck and have nothing to show for it :)
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Chinaman

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Right nipple seems to be steadily shrinking back to its normal size, but still has some way to go. At this point, I am very satisfied with the nipple alignment. The swelling is still present, but steadily decreasing. For 2 weeks of healing, it seems like everything is going smoothly.

wk 2 pics:

Offline Chinaman

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Update: The gland has been growing back. Looks like I'll have to get the operation done again someday. I checked in with the doc a month ago and he said it was just scar tissue. Since then I have been feeling the all too familiar "growing pains" and have noticed a significant increase in lump size. Furthermore, he said that the gynecomastia would not grow back unless I gained a bunch of weight. The resources provided on this site seems to disagree with what he said. So, at this point I'm pretty sure that Dr. Haeck is likely more experienced in pseudogynecomastia, and possibly not as familiar with the glandular growth that I had, and now have have to deal with all over again.

For people with true gynecomastia I would suggest looking around for doctors that are more specialized in this kind of gland extraction. However, for simply altering fatty chest tissue, this guy does a great sculpting job.

Offline shaker

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Aaah i still remember those growing pains back in grade 6 .. sucks man did the surgeon not take care of the gland ?  Would he be charging again for surgery or u choosing different ps this time ?

Offline Dave_8

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Are you serious? isnt he going to do the free touch up surgery?

Offline Chinaman

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I'm pretty sure it is too late to get the revision done for free. Maybe I could work out some kind of discount, but the initial offer was just for a revision operation done within 6 months of the initial work. I'm not sure if the problem is that there was some gland left behind or if there is some underlying cause for all this, but unfortunately, I didn't notice any signs of possible regrowth until the six month window was already just about up. At that time, I got it checked out but it seemed like it could have been scar tissue or something. Now its been roughly 8 months since going under the knife, and its pretty obvious that the gynecomastia is steadily getting larger all the time (currently around the size of a fifty cent piece).  Another problem is that the free revision would still cost more than I can afford right now being that it would still be a couple thousand bucks for the operating room fees + anesthesiologist bill.

I just hope it stops growing and aching soon. After completely cutting out caffeine and melatonin from my diet I don't know what else there is to do at this point but ride out the stretching/swelling all over again.   

Offline Dave_8

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AAAhhhhh dude that sucks man. At least it aint as bad as before. This regrowth thing SUCKS! I mean to have it regrow must be painful because the thought of wasting all that money go to waste. Damn. It looked like he did a good job. But the regrowth just killed it. How much did he charge you? And how much is it going to be for a revision?

Offline vintage

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It cannot regrow without a reason. See an endocrinologist first, there is a small possibility of an underlying condition.

Offline mondingo101

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Chinaman some one didint do there homework, u have real gynecomastia , and the gland should of been completely removed, apparently , i believe dr haeck , uses a speical type vibrating wand, with ulrasound, to help break up the fat and gland tissue, i dont thing this procedure works because gland can be left behind, and once stimulate by estrogen will begin to grow again, all of the gland should of been remove, by excision, then i beileve your surgery would of been a complete success. I sent some picture of my case for evaluation, and they took one look and said , excision to remove gland is what i need, with liposiction ! However ive heard that for nipple support and countouring, might of been the reason your doctor left a little gland in there! WHENEVER i get mines done i want all the gland removed, every day they come up with new technology . because i think the instrument that ur doctor use is the newest out there, because a very tiny hole is all that is made when using it, however i dont think its capable of dealing with real gyno where the complete gland has to be removed! So if u had removed all the gland by making a incision, i dont think it would of come back, because there would be no gland for the estrogen to attach itself too.

Offline Pharmaecopia

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Don't know if you still come to this but I'm considering Haeck and want to know how this all turned out.


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