Author Topic: Surgery is in 4 hours  (Read 2586 times)

Offline dadz

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I'm nervous, anxious, and excited at the same time. Any tips to help me relax before the surgery? I'm going to be doing it under a local anesthetic. Hopefully it all goes well and I'll be able to post about it!

Offline gyneco_1001

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You're gonna be fine bud... just think about beautiful women... lol... I wish you all the best and we'll see you again when you're on the other side ;).

Offline terrance

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Good luck my brother.

I hope you had a successful pain-free surgery.

I go under the knife on Saturday.

See you on the other side buddy.

Offline dadz

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Thanks guys. I just got home. Still woozy from the meds. The surgery was fine honestly, but I'm a little worried because it seems like my left side is swelling up and draining a lot compared to the right. I'll post up any info after my followup appointment tomorrow

Offline mtlgyno

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Congrats man, welcome to your new life ;)

Offline dadz

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Thanks. Hopefully I can get digital copies of the images the doctor took. He took a bunch of before and after shots. Right now, my left side feels pretty swollen and its still draining. I've got my first follow up appointment today. As far as the discomfort goes, it doesn't feel much worse than the first day back at the gym and the soreness that follows. The procedure under the local anesthetic was not bad at all. I really didn't feel a thing. Hopefully I heal up well.

Offline terrance

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Are you a left-handed by any chance?

Because they say if you use your arms it could induce swelling. So just make sure you relax and drink plenty of foods.

Offline dadz

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Not left handed. Also, when I said "draining", I didn't mean to imply that I had a drain tube. The doc left the little lipo incisions open for excess fluid to come out if necessary. However, my left side is drastically more swollen than the right. I'm going to see him in about 2 hours so hopefully he can drain this stuff out. It's making me pretty anxious. The right side is fine. It's a little swollen but it certainly seems within the normal realm.


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