Author Topic: I need some solid advice on options to deal with my Gynecomastia  (Read 8053 times)

Offline nutella

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Hey everyone,

I am , or was, a bodybuilder..... After my last cycle of Steroids I developed a minor case of "Pure Gynecomastia" under my left nipple. I would say that it is about the size of a Grape. Anyways, at this point I have had to for just under 4 months and it really has not changed in size at all - it is still tender which is apperently a sign that it is still "active". Over the past 4 months I have gone to see a total of GP's and have seen my family doctor more than 4 times. In each case I have asked to see an Endocrinologist or some kind of specialist but to no avail - my Doctor just keeps telling me that I am obsessing and that in time it SHOULD go down.

Currently I am waiting to hear back from an Endo but I am really starting to loose my cool. Please, what do you think my course of action should be here ? What are the steps to take when dealing with this ? I am greatful to any advice. Thanks

Offline Raider Fan

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I think you need to see the endo, even if you can't get a referral from your PCP.  GP's and family doctors typically don't know what to do about early onset gyne.  A typical response is the one you got ("Don't worry about'll eventually go away."). 

And even if your GP does know more than most, in all probability, he/she's probably NOT going to give you a prescription for the medicine(s) that are given to address this problem.  They will claim to not deal with that type of thing.  But if they care about you, they should give you a referral to the endo, because the endo is generally going to be the doctor that will help you with the problem. 

I recently went to an endo for the same problem as you (early onset gyne with pain).  He ran some blood tests to check my hormones, but before he even knew the results of the blood work he gave me a prescription for Tamoxifen.  That medicine has been beneficial in the treatment of early onset gyne.  It usually takes the pain away relatively quickly, and if you catch the gyne early enough, it can be successful in reversing/improving the gyne before the tissue becomes fibrotic.  Being a bodybuilder, I'm sure you have heard of it.  If you wait too long, however, the medicine will not prove beneficial and surgery will be the only alternative (but only after the active gyne stops and stabilizes). 

Another thing endo's give for this problem are aromatase inhibitors, which reduce the amount of estrogen in the body.  The estrogen is the reason for the gynecomastia.  There are several brands (letrozol, arimidex).  Arimidex is often the one prescribed for your problem because it now comes in generic form and it is MUCH cheaper than the non-generic.  The non-generics are several hundred dollars.

The thing to be aware of with these drugs are they are typically given to women with breast cancer.  Like all meds, they have side effects, some of which can be very bad.  For instance, Tamoxifen has been shown to cause blood clots (strokes, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis), and it is also a known carcinogenic (endometrial cancer in women).  The aromatase inhibitors are known to cause bone and joint pain.  Each individual has to weigh his options and decide if they want to take these medicines.  Are you willing to accept the risk for the potential benefit? 

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I developed a minor case of "Pure Gynecomastia" under my left nipple.

What exactly is 'Pure Gynecomastia'...  ???

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
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Offline JamesDawson

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I developed a minor case of "Pure Gynecomastia" under my left nipple.

What exactly is 'Pure Gynecomastia'...  ???


I'm guessing its all gland/tissue and no fat since he's a bodybuilder.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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As apposed to 'Unpure Gynecomastia'... ??? ??? ???

Gynecomastia: Gyne (Woman-Like) Mastia (Breast)...

Gyne is gyne... no matter if you have mainly gland and little adipose tissue, a full-figured breast, or anywhere in between... I really don't understand why people insist on calling a case of mainly gland (puffy areolas), 'True' gyne... or 'Pure' gyne... As stated above and quoted from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Gynecomastia is defined as 'Woman-like Breasts'... There is no mention of it having to be 'gland only'...


Offline nutella

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The reason why I called it "Pure Gynecomastia" is because that is what the Plastic Surgeons I have talked to call it when they are dealing with a person that will NOT require liposuction due to the fact that the Gynecomastia is ONLY glandular........ Much like how " Pseudogynecomastia " is dealing with people that have more of a build up of fatty tissue rather than Glandular tissue. Thus, those people will mainly, or only, need liposuction. If you really have an issue with the semantics of this you should take it up with the people that coined the term in the first place.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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If you really have an issue with the semantics of this you should take it up with the people that coined the term in the first place.

Unfortunately, I do not know 'who' coined the terms dude...   :-\

The reason why I personally don't like the terms 'Pseudo' or 'Pure' Gynecomastia is that it may lead many G sufferers to believe that if they have adipose (fatty) tissue, then all they have to do is to exercise it away... and that, we all know for a fact, in the majority of cases, just isn't true... If all you have is gland, then maybe that's what the surgeon should be calling it....  'Glandular Gynecomastia'.

See, many people assume that if a guy has Gynecomastia with adipose tissue, then all he needs to is to hit the gym to get rid of it... this just isn't the case my man. I can personally testify to that! As I mentioned in a previous post, Gynecomastia is Gynecomastia. It doesn't matter what the severity is, a little gland to a full-figured breast, it's all the same crap and the psychological BS is all the same...


Offline Paa_Paw

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We would have to go back a couple of thousand years and have a talk with the Greek Physician. The term Gynecomastia first appeared in his writings. There is no doubt about the way he used the word, he definitely meant fully formed breasts. In fact he might have said that "Puffy Nipps" did not fit the definition.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Great post Dan...

The following I assume, is what you were referring to...

'The prominent Greek physician Galen born in the 1 century AD was the first to define the term Gynecomastia, Galen defined Gynecomastia or Male Breast Enlargement in books he wrote as an unnatural increase in breast fat of men. It was not until the 19 century that medical and surgical treatments for Gynecomastia, Male Breast Enlargement were recorded.'

So you see, using the contrived term 'Pseudogynecomastia' (false gynecomastia) to describe a man with an over abundance of chest adipose tissue, a 'woman-like breast', is COMPLETELY WRONG....

As Grandpa Dan mentioned... Gynecomastia is actually a term meant to describe a near full-figured breast on a man... Gyne (woman-like) and Mastia (breast)...  Puffy areolas do not add up to a 'Woman-like breast'... However, I am not dissing the puffy areola condition... I can fully understand, and sympathize with those who are afflicted with the condition...  ;)

The vast majority of woman have breasts, however, most women DO NOT have puffy areolas... :P    


Offline nutella

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I came onto this site to look for help and support from people that have gone through or ARE going through the same thing as me. I didn't come onto this site to battle about stupid semantics.... I went to a surgeon in Vancouver who classified my Gynecomastia as " PURE GYNECOMASTIA"....... He told me it was because I had no fat build up and only gland. Personally I don't care what you call this. You could call it Purple Brain breast Fungus for all I care and, to me, we would still be looking at the same problem.

Now, because there are some people who have an active Gland and NO fat; there are some people will all fat and NO Gland; there are some people with a active gland AND fatty build up. So, it only makes sense to not label ALL branches of Gyno as simply Gynecomastia because there are differences. Maybe rather than trolling around on these forums looking to correct people that you don't even know, on matters that are totally besides the point, you should just take a step back and realize that your opinions on what this is called do not matter.

I came here for help with my PURE GYNECOMASTIA...... Not to argue about words.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Maybe rather than trolling around on these forums looking to correct people that you don't even know, on matters that are totally besides the point, you should just take a step back and realize that your opinions on what this is called do not matter.

I came here for help with my PURE GYNECOMASTIA...... Not to argue about words.

WEEEEELLLLLL.....  Geeze, never thought of myself as a TROLL...  :o :o :o

Okay, well, good luck with your 'PURE GYNECOMASTIA' that those misinformed PS's call it....  Maybe you should go to a Plastic Surgeon and have it removed....  ;)


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Sorry for the offensiveness, nutella.  This is not the typical response you get from others on this site. 

Offline JamesDawson

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Because of the ignorance of some people nowadays towards gynecomastia we have to give it labels, nearly every fitness site will tell you to "stop being lazy and exercise to lose your manboobs" which will only work for gynecomastia that is only fat and a lot of people don't understand that gynecomastia is also/or a build up of breast tissue that has to be excised and no amount of weights/exercise will do this. So and adequate name would be Pure gynecomastia if it is all tissue even if it is technically wrong but thats enough of that for now. This forum is for giving advice, not arguing.

I got gyno through puberty so I don't know much about steroid caused gyno. I've heard some bodybuilders take meds to combat the growth of gyno. Get surgery if you think its not going away after another few months or if it really bothers you, thats the best advice I can give you.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You find someone trying to correctly educate others 'offensive'? ??? ??? ???


« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 02:29:49 PM by Grandpa Bambu »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Because of the ignorance of some people nowadays towards gynecomastia we have to give it labels, nearly every fitness site will tell you to "stop being lazy and exercise to lose your manboobs" which will only work for gynecomastia that is only fat.

This is not true my man... If you have m(o)(o)bs that consists of mainly of adipose (fat) tissue, no amount of diet/exercise will get rid of the G... It may get a tad smaller, but the majority will remain...



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