You didn't "question me." You basically called me a liar in the gentlest way possible. And to use the term "abusing" steroids. I'm not an abuser. I wouldn't call Arnold Scharzenneegar oh however you spell his name an abuser of steroids. However in text book terms, if he didn't have a prescription for it, then he is indeed an abuser. Imagine that, a governor of a state an "abuser of a substance." A person who now regulates the most poweful state in the nation who built his life by doing what isn't considered legal. And everyone loves him for it. Me? I'm just some abuser, just some faceless guy on this board. But if medical justification warrants the use then it isn't abuse.
Well aside from having fatigue ever since I exited my mother's womb (you have no idea how I was the quietest best baby in the world-cuz I always slept and didn't cry or whine), which I can't seem to have diagnosed correctly and now being immuno compromised by an infection in my adult life, the stimulation of my endocrine system that I get from taking tesosterone and decca have allowed me to function normally and not need 14 or more hours of sleep per day. And it was my idea to "cycle" and come off to give my hypothalamus and endocrine systems a rest which my doctor thought was a good idea.
My doses are my f-u-c-k-i-n-g business. I will admit that I take more than is necessary. I won't lie and say that I don't like the way it makes me look. However like I said it gives me the energy to get through the day. So unless you wanna pay my bills cuz I can't hold a job (and who can if you can't help but sleep more than 14 hours a day from extreme fatigue?), don't go judging me. None of this bull s-h-i-t is important anyway. I had mild gyno before I ever did steroids, steroids just made the situation worse. My chest has always been painful.
No need to carry on anymore, I got my answers, it can't be 100% eliminated.