Author Topic: I'm thinking about going under the knife but...  (Read 2226 times)

Offline DarkSoul

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Hey all.

Okay, well I think I have the funds for surgery. I haven't booked any consultation with a doc, yet. Having surgery maybe the only option left for me. I’m sort of the indoorsy type. I need to get out. I’m sick of wearing black, everything black right down to my socks. I’ve had it all my life and I don’t want to worry about my moobs, ever. It’s all I ever think about. It’s ruining my life.

I'm not so much concerned with the procedure its self. It’s having my body laid bare naked on the gurney that frightens me. I mean, what happens when they put you under? I don’t want anyone taking a sneak peak of my privates. Not that I’m tiny wine, but still. And what happens after surgery - will I be having tubes coming out of me suffering in intense pain (it will be worth it) with a catheter shoved up my pee-pee?  :-[

What about aftercare? I'd hate for anyone to know I've undergone a moobsestomy or a what-you-ma-call-it. What are your experiences with surgery and aftercare? Put me at ease, if you can.

Offline jazzer

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I believe you are over-thinking this. Operations of this sort are very common and the risk is extremely small. You will not need have a catheter (my experience) but you may have tubes coming out of your chest depending of what type of procedure you have. I had a double mastectomy with free nipple graft. Pain was very minimal, but it was uncomfortable sleeping for a week or so with the tubes. You may have to wear a compression garment of sorts after for awhile, but again it is not painful, only a little uncomfortable.

But through it all it was worth it to me. I now have a flat chest and can finally wear golf or T shirts.

Offline Mark123

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Hey all.

Okay, well I think I have the funds for surgery. I haven't booked any consultation with a doc, yet. Having surgery maybe the only option left for me. I’m sort of the indoorsy type. I need to get out. I’m sick of wearing black, everything black right down to my socks. I’ve had it all my life and I don’t want to worry about my moobs, ever. It’s all I ever think about. It’s ruining my life.

I'm not so much concerned with the procedure its self. It’s having my body laid bare naked on the gurney that frightens me. I mean, what happens when they put you under? I don’t want anyone taking a sneak peak of my privates. Not that I’m tiny wine, but still. And what happens after surgery - will I be having tubes coming out of me suffering in intense pain (it will be worth it) with a catheter shoved up my pee-pee?  :-[

What about aftercare? I'd hate for anyone to know I've undergone a moobsestomy or a what-you-ma-call-it. What are your experiences with surgery and aftercare? Put me at ease, if you can.

I wasn't worried about being seen naked or anything(considering these people are doctors), but I was very nervous about having my first(hopefully last) surgery. When I had my surgery, I was laying there, they asked me to move over to the next table, and that's the last thing I remember. When I woke up, I had a vest on and it was the afternoon(it was morning when I went in). As a matter of fact, about 30-40 minutes after I woke up, they let me get up to pee and soon after that, they asked me if I felt fine enough to leave with my ride and then wheeled me out. The pain part all comes down to your pain threshold. I've seen people say the pain was horrible, while some say that had little to no pain(I was in this category) and others say it was moderate. I'm not sure how bad your case is, but if it's bad enough for you to seriously consider surgery, then I would recommend the surgery to you.

Like I said before, IF they actually did get a peek at your private parts, these people are professionals and plastic surgeons who have probably seen and worked on every part of the body. Good luck with your decision

Offline McGilli

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Well, I was actually hoping the nurses in the OR would be looking under the sheets and all kinds of stuff. I wouldn't have cared. Would have made for a better story then nothing like that happening.

After my surgery - i didn't even know I had tubes coming out of my chest until like 4 or 5 days later when I went to see the surgeon and he said he was going to take them out. They were tiny - and under some small bandages.

I've had 3 surgeries - and had practically zero pain afterwards from any of them. Some slight twinges etc, but I never really took any Advil after the first day.

I thought about it too much before the first one - and freaked myself out. Looking back, nothing to worry about. Oh - and if they do pull all the blankets off you - and start fondling you and taking pictures and massaging you - when you wake up you'll never know about it... So... Hmmmm. Maybe it did happen to me... Damn I hope so!

Offline Bain-of-my-life

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Hey buddy, I have just had surgery yesterday so I thought I would reply to your thread.

With regards to being naked and going under... I wore a dressing gown right up until I got put to sleep and then I woke up in my compression vest in the recovery room. I literally remember nothing between being anethetised and waking up in the recovery room so I am sure there is nothing to worry about! Especially if you go with a reputable surgeon like I did (Dr. Karidis).

I can completely relate to what you say about the hiding evidence of the op difficulties. I have only taken 2 days off work (Thurs and Fri last week) and am back in on Monday, so it will be a bit difficult to hide but I will wear a jumper in the office until I can take the compression vest off during the day!

The only tube I had was for the drip... ya know the one in your arm... I usually freak out with injections and shit but this was fine! Just man up and get it done son! I just tried on some designer t-shirts I bought online and could not wear because of this damn condition... not only did they fit perfectly, but if I may say so I looked rather dashing ;)...

On a serious note, my self-confidence has been boosted massively and this is with a black/blue swollen up chest! Imagine how awesome I will feel once it is all healed! Bite the bullet and get it done!

P.s. I couldn't recommend Karidis enough... expensive but you gotta fork out for the best!


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