Author Topic: Should I go under the knife?  (Read 8244 times)

Offline Concernedinthehead

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So, I have a mild case of gynecomastia and am wondering if it's bad enough that I should consider getting surgery. For some reason I have it more on my left pec than my right. And I have the classic puffy nipples.

Please don't tell me, "Do what makes you feel the most comfortable". Just tell me like it is. I'll get the surgery if needed.

Thanks in advance  ;)

If any more shots are needed for evaluative purposes, just ask!

Offline headheldhigh01

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you can see the larger mass asymmetry on the left side pretty well, though the puffies seem to hide a little better in the pics.  i still think you have to be the judge, but i guess in your shoes i would do it myself just based on the overall mass/size you see in the left side in that first picture.  the other factors i'd consider would be

1.  if it were noticeable to a girlfriend and that was a problem to you
2.  you've taken a lot of comments from other people and want it to stop
2.  if you can feel the tissue noticeably on the left more and it's a constant mental presence or annoyance to you. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Concernedinthehead

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Thanks, yeah, I've decided I'm going to do it.

The only thing I'm worried about is recovery. I hope I won't be out of work long.

Offline christof1

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i would not do it in your case. you look fine to me man.

Offline mrpower33

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um, do you happen to be left handed?  It just looks like your left pec is bigger than your right, doesn't mean that it's gyne.  You otherwise look fine.  I would be very hesitant to do this if I were you.

Offline christof1

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i agree with power. your chest looks flat and good. i would never risk cutting it open and potentially making it look worse

Offline jsboob

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I would say no, but obviously its up to you. Can you post an example of someone's chest you think is normal so we can get an idea of where your concerns are?
all males have SOME breast tissue, its when it gets excessive its called gynecomastia. Thing is everyone has a differing idea about what constitutes "excessive"
  if you were female I would say you had less than an AA cup size.In fact there is no way your chest in the slightest resembles a feminine chest - in my opinion!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 06:01:53 PM by jsboob »

Offline Lam3

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This person's chest is normal.

i Lol'd.

But seriously, your chest very looks normal. I would settle for a chest like that anyday.
Unless of course that photo was taken in a cool environment, and so the gyno wasn't showing it's worse.

Offline Concernedinthehead

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This person's chest is normal.

i Lol'd.

But seriously, your chest very looks normal. I would settle for a chest like that anyday.
Unless of course that photo was taken in a cool environment, and so the gyno wasn't showing it's worse.

The humidity of the environment effects the gyno? Can you be more specific? I have never heard of such a thing.

Offline Lam3

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This person's chest is normal.

i Lol'd.

But seriously, your chest very looks normal. I would settle for a chest like that anyday.
Unless of course that photo was taken in a cool environment, and so the gyno wasn't showing it's worse.

The humidity of the environment effects the gyno? Can you be more specific? I have never heard of such a thing.

Umm. Well, the way i've experienced it, and read it, is that the hotter you are, the more the gland expands .. and looks worse.. That's why when in cool water, the nipple looks close to normal. But when wearing a heavy sweater, it's quite the opposite. Also if you rub your nipple, it goes close to normal size,, not sure why there.

Offline Concernedinthehead

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Interesting, I never knew the glands could expand and contract. Are you sure about this?

The nipple contracting in a cold environment is true, but that's just natural for all nipples, male and female. That's just the skin and muscle contracting though, as far as I know. Nothing to do with the glands. The glands are the same size, they're just less noticeable during these situations.

Offline Lam3

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Interesting, I never knew the glands could expand and contract. Are you sure about this?

The nipple contracting in a cold environment is true, but that's just natural for all nipples, male and female. That's just the skin and muscle contracting though, as far as I know. Nothing to do with the glands. The glands are the same size, they're just less noticeable during these situations.

Yeah; That's exactly what im trying to say lol. Im just not very good with all the terms about this. I've only recently began doing research in Gyne. But what im saying is, if those in this thread are saying " You're gyne looks fine, no need to do anything about it".. In the pic, the nipple could be at its possible best .. So the thread starter could be getting bad feedback? I don't know, that's just my oponion.

EDIT: noticed you are the thread starter. lol. But yeah, is that at its worse? Or is that fully contracted?

Offline postiey

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yes i agree with lam3 his knowledge is correct! this can happen when the areolas are sensitive a muscle contracts making the chest appear normal. but once relaxed ie in hot conditions the chest will puff out. there is also no way of making the chest muscles contracted all of the time either.

good luck

Offline johnny125

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If I had your chest, I would definitely NOT get surgery. You look fine.


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