Author Topic: Do these pictures look fine after gyno surgery and liposuction?  (Read 2032 times)


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I had my surgery done by a very reputable surgeon whom happens to be the chief of plastic surgery at a very big hospital in my area.

After my surgery I took a look at my chest and I was quite surprised at what I saw: the areola seemed butchered. Creases, folds and the scar looks overwhelming. Do these pictures look normal 3-4 days after gyno surgery and liposuction?

I asked him and he said the folds and creases will go away and also that I still have stitches in me.

He also said I don't need a compression vest at all since I'm young (20) and since my gyno and liposuction wasn't so terrible.

What do you think based on these pictures?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 07:47:43 AM by BrandonPrice31 »

Offline ineedhelp

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its hard to tell so soon after surgery and also remembering that it takes up to a year to fully heal. it took me about 6 months for everything to settle and look better. you will get lumps and bumps at the start as the skin gets used to new surroundings. i would wait a few weeks and then post a new pic.

Offline Nips

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can't see the picture? can you post it again or send it?

It's very early days since your op. Your body is dealing with trauma and is going through the initial stages of healing which is pretty intense at this stage. Try and wait a while before getting too worried. Easier said than done I know but patience is the key. Hang in there.

I am surprised he's suggested no compression garment but I have heard this done before.

Offline mildgyno

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