Author Topic: 5 weeks post op need help please  (Read 3105 times)

Offline Poiuytrewqasdfghjkl

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Hi im 5 weeks post op after an excision only surgery. My chest was very flat 2-3weeks post op. But around the 4th week i
noticed that my left areola was indented right where the incision was. It looks really bad.

Now 5 weeks post op both nipples/areola are puffy. Right one has a very hard scar tissue at the whole areola area below the nipple. While the left one has very minimal hard scar tissue but is puffier than the right one (it feels really squishy when i press on the left one). And my chest got a little bigger than it was 2 weeks after surgery.

So basically my main concerns are:
1. Areola is indented where the incision was on my left chest.

2. Left nipple is a very puffy even though there's a minimal hard scar tissue. Feels like a water balloon when i press it down.

3. Whole chest looks and feel fuller. Could this be fluid build up?

I attached a pic of my left nipple. But i couldn't show the indentation properly.

Offline thricetwice

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The best answer you'll get is from your surgeon, as everyone is different.

I'm having similar experiences at the same time frame and my surgeon reassured me it's all normal. She told me prior to the surgery to experience this at roughly this time so she's been spot on so far.

5 weeks post-op is still very early days and I've been told by others that it can take 6 months to fully settle.

In short: talk to your surgeon.


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I'm experience this same exact thing! Nothing too bad, but under like the "nipple area" on my right side there is a very hard scar tissue/swelling, and my left nipple is indented slightly and it's not as flat as it was right after surgery BUT it's still 10921092019x better than PRE OP lol, so I'm hoping everyhting will sort itself out.

Offline Poiuytrewqasdfghjkl

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The best answer you'll get is from your surgeon, as everyone is different.

I'm having similar experiences at the same time frame and my surgeon reassured me it's all normal. She told me prior to the surgery to experience this at roughly this time so she's been spot on so far.

5 weeks post-op is still very early days and I've been told by others that it can take 6 months to fully settle.

In short: talk to your surgeon.

I already talked to him and yes, he said that it's indeed just swelling andscar tissues. Nothing to be concerned about i guess. Thanks for the reply!

Offline Poiuytrewqasdfghjkl

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I'm experience this same exact thing! Nothing too bad, but under like the "nipple area" on my right side there is a very hard scar tissue/swelling, and my left nipple is indented slightly and it's not as flat as it was right after surgery BUT it's still 10921092019x better than PRE OP lol, so I'm hoping everyhting will sort itself out.

It is indeed many times better pre op!

Offline startofnewlife

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I had the same problem. Doc said the indentation was caused by scar tissue tethering. As i understood it it makes the skin 'stick' too close to the muscle. I am 3 months post op and he told me to massage relatively vigorously to loosen up the tethering, and it has really started making a marked improvement. As for the squishy parts.. resolves with time..

Offline Poiuytrewqasdfghjkl

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Hey thanks for the response. Really reassuring having someone who had similar problems as i am and is now better.

I always read that massaging helps. How do you massage yours? Do you massage the nipples/areola itself or just the area around it?

Offline startofnewlife

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Around as well as on. Side to side motion mostly. Not too much lotion as you want to stretch the tethering. If u use too much lotion your fingers just glides over it . Also quite an intense movement. I would not have attempted it at 5 weeks tho :/ you should never feel uncomfortable. Always follow your PS instructions.

Offline Poiuytrewqasdfghjkl

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Thanks! I tried massaging the area around the areola and its quite tender still. Small amount of pressure on the areola/nipple is quite uncomfortable with tenderness. So i guess it is too early. Ill try massaging it after a month or two


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