Author Topic: Worried about my post surgery results - 2 weeks post op  (Read 4061 times)

Offline London Man

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I've suffered from gyno since my early teens. Having researched the subject for many years I kept putting off surgery due to the fear of going under general anaesthetic. Finally aged 40 I decided it was now or never and had the op and am 12 days post op today. The surgery involved gland excision and lipo suction to the area. Initially I was euphoric at having gone through with it and looked in the mirror as soon as I could stand up after I came round from the GA and my chest did seem to be flatter. I didn't want a completely flat profile as I have good pec muscles so was just looking to get rid of the excess fat and gland tissue. Even though there was a big thick bandage applied all the way across my chest I did think it looked flatter and was overjoyed. I would finally get the chest I longed for after all this time. The bandage came off 1 week post op and the surgeon said the scars were healing very well and there were no issues. He was very pleased with the result and stated it was better then he'd expected at this stage. Due to some delays with other appointments on the day the consultation room used was not his usual one in the clinic and there was no mirror in the room so I couldn't take a look at the time. But he assured me all had gone extremely well and he was very pleased with what he saw. As soon as I got home I took off the compression garment and had a look at the new profile. Initially I thought there was an improvement but the more I look at it the more I think there has been no significant change. I know that the surgeon excised tissue as he showed me the photo of the tissue he removed and I know he did lipo suction as I have the scars to prove it but 12 days on the area doesn't look much different to the chest I had before the operation and it's really depressing me. I called the clinic and spoke to the head nurse and she told me not to worry as it was too early to see the end result. The area is still a little sore but I can wash and lightly scrub without difficulty. What I'm concerned about is whether the surgeon was too cautious and left too much tissue behind or whether the lack of difference is just down to residual swelling which will decrease with time. On the surface the area doesn't look bruised and the skin looks good but not sure what is going on under the skin. Having never had any surgery of any kind I've no experience of how the recovery phase goes. I have a follow up appointment with the surgeon in 5 weeks time but am extremely anxious and concerned that I may have gone through the emotional agony of going through with an operation and not achieving the end result I was after.

Does anyone have any advice they can offer me? Am I panicking too early or am I right to be worried? For me there is no going back to living with gyno and its depressing me that I may have to endure a second round of surgery to get the result I wanted. If I have to go through a second round of surgery will the surgeon have to use a new incision site or would they make a new incision over the existing scar? the very thought of having to have more surgery is extremely depressing but then living with half the result is even more depressing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Offline startofnewlife

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2 weeks is a very short time to try and predict what the final result will look like. Im nearly 2 months post op and still have significant numbness and swelling. Only this week have i started noticing the swelling go down and now i can start seeing the contours more clearly. Also, this is about the time for me when scar tissue sets in and so again something will prevent me from determining the final result!  Give it 3-4 months minimum. And until then try not to drive yourself too crazy by reading stuff online and think the worst.

Good luck  ;)

Offline startofnewlife

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Ps: i had the same anxiety as you in the early days, but as time went on i noticed how quickly the operated area changed. Literally every week. One night you might sleep awkwardly and the next two days the left is more swollen than the right lol.

Now im pretty obvlivious to the changes cause i noticed how in the long term its getting better and better.

If u worry you die, if you dont worry you still die, so why worry?

Offline London Man

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Thanks. Appreciate the reply and your support. The nurse at the clinic told me not to look in the mirror too much in the early days but being human you just can't help it. Tried to tell myself to be patient but the lack of apparent difference in the profile just sent my anxiety soaring. It's good to know that others have been through similar experiences and hopefully my result will improve over the coming weeks. You mentioned sleeping on your side. Since the op I've avoided this completely but find it difficult to sleep on my back. When did you find you could sleep on your side?

Thanks again.


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