Author Topic: Website home Photo gallery question  (Read 979 times)

Offline Jakegr7

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Im very new to this site and happened to notice that on the website home page>photo galleries under Dr. Delgados Pictures > the second row all the way to right 
That looks very similar to what I have been experiencing since middle school (now college) 
I tried to post my own pics to ask advice but sadly they wont upload. My question is did that man have a textbook gyno case or was his just fat build up? My case is I don't have a noticeable hard lump behind the areola like some. Just a build up of what I can only describe as fat, in a breast like shape at the bottom of my lower pec. The nipples themselves don't have points. They are just very "puffy" and both turn out away from the center of my chest. My PCP advised me it would go away after a few years but that was nearly 10 years ago. I am an avid gym enthusiast basically focused on correcting this problem for many years with some results but not much.
Any advice is appreciated 


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